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Air Nira (Tuak) near Hotel Tropical Inn in Johor Bahru, Malaysia


I stumbled upon Johor Bahru's one and only licenced toddy shop (the beverage is also known as tuak, air nira, கள்ளு, coconut wine or "coconut juice").


The humble toddy shop is tugged away in an inconspicuous corner of busy downtown JB near Hotel Tropical Inn.



The interior of the shop was clean and had only the most bare bones set up and basic furniture. There was hardly any customers on both the afternoons that I was there. 


A mug of toddy goes for RM3. You can ask for your drink to have "extra kick" at no additional cost. The toddy man just adds in last night's "coconut juice" - which has greater fermentation.

The toddy was served at room temperature on a blistering afternoon, but I definitely felt its instant cooling effect. The toddy was sweet as well as slightly sour and fizzy in a pleasant way. The effect of alcohol kicked in pretty fast for me, and one mug of "extra kick" was just about it for me :-D

A video on how toddy is made and enjoyed :) Cheers!

->> Get initiated on toddy here :-D The rest is up to you ;-p

Restaurant name: Kedai Tuak Awam
Address: Along Jalan Sulaiman, downtown Johor Bahru
GPS: 1.464262,103.761633
Hours: 10:00am to 5:00pm

Non Halal

Dates visited: 6 Jun 2012, 18 Jun 2012

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  1. I visited the place today, after lunch and had a mug... the taste was really out of this world... refreshingly superb, sweet and had a zing to it. Will definitely be back. Thanks for the recommendation.

  2. Hi Johor Kaki

    Do you know of any seafood restaurant in JB serving toddy?

    1. Actually I don't. Let me go look for it. Meanwhile you have to BYO (bring your own) :D

  3. This shop now has a new signboard on the front gate. It is written in many languages - including Italian and Korean!!

  4. Today i went and it is closed... Any idea?

  5. Thanks for this article Johor Kaki. Really looking forward to visit this place in 2 weeks time when I am visiting Malaysia.

    Does it still operate as per usual or has it shut down as the person above ^ seemed to be suggesting?

  6. i stumbled upon this place by chance as i was walking to a south indian retaurant called AMMA in jalan terus. i found it fascinating but was hesitant intitially as toddy makers are not really known for their hygiene standards.
    then i read the year 1920 on its signboard and this gave me some measure of confidence. they ought to be alright having survived almost a century. and hence plucked sufficient courage to try it out.

    as noted by earlier writers the hall like set up is very basic with two long table arranged in no proper order. the 3MYR mug was refreshing - it reminded me more of the energy drink H2O or 100 plus.

    it appeared to be too refined as original toddy is rough and sourish,

    in any case the entire experience was unique.

    will i try again?
    yes if happen to pass by but i doubt i would go looking for it.

    another intriguing is the food that is available at this shop. will like to find out more about it the next time.

    1. Thank you for visiting my blog and for your comments :-D


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