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Statue of Liberty from the Staten Island Ferry - Best Free Things to Do in NYC New York


View of the Statue of Liberty on a cold, misty wet morning. (Photo was taken with a 55mm lens. A longer lens will get you a closer shot of the statue.)

Views of the majestic Statue of Liberty and the Lower Manhattan skyline are "Must Do" things for every visitor to New York City.

The passenger ferry between Manhattan and Staten Island offers unique views of the Statue of Liberty and Manhattan, not to be missed. The 25-minute Staten Island Ferry ride is a free service provided by the Department of Transport. The ferry runs from dawn till midnight and at 15-minute intervals during peak hours - there is really no reason to miss this when you are in NYC.


On the ferry at the Manhattan side just before departure, with the Statue of Liberty and Liberty Island in the distance, slightly veiled by the morning mist.


Inside the ferry, it was spacious and comfortable with adequate seating. There is also a snack bar for light meals and coffee on board.


The view of the Brooklyn Bridge from the ferry still docked at the ferry terminal in Manhattan.


View of the ferry terminals as the ferry pulled away. The current terminal is on the left and the heritage terminal on the right is undergoing restoration.


The Manhattan skyline as the ferry pulled further from the terminal. The tallest building on the left is One World Trade Centre (also known as Freedom Tower).


View of the Manhattan skyline from the back end (stern) of the ferry. Sea gulls followed us all the way between the two terminals.


Sister ship heading for Manhattan, passing us on our left.


Soon, the glorious Statue of Liberty was on our right as we headed towards Staten Island.


Our boat approaching the terminal on the Staten Island side.

After docking on the Staten Island side, we disembarked and waited a short while to board the return trip to Manhattan. You will find many visitors doing exactly the same thing. Riding the Staten Island Ferry for sightseeing is a popular itinerary item for tourists in the know (like you now) ;-D


Passing a Staten Island bound ferry on our way back to Manhattan.


Same route, different day.


For the ferry heading towards Staten Island, the Statue of Liberty is on the right hand side (starboard) of the boat.


When heading back to Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty is on the left hand side (port side) of the boat.


During the cold months, make sure you are well bundled up with warm clothing against strong winds and wind chill.


Board the ferry at the Staten Island Ferry Terminal (near to the Bull at Wall Street).


The Staten Island Ferry Terminal is right at the door step of South Ferry Station/ Whitehall Street Station.


If you have longer camera lens like 100mm or more, remember to bring it along. It will help pull images of the Statue closer to you.

Dates visited: Nov 2014

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  1. Great post and lovely photos. Thank you so much for sharing.

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