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Frog Tuk Tuk of Trang • Ride Back to 1960s in Vintage Daihatsu Midget

Tuk tuks are found throughout Thailand - these tiny open sided three wheelers are holding their own despite the ubiquitous comfortable air conditioned taxis. 

Tuk tuks are not even cheaper - they do not run on meters and so can actually be more expensive than a modern taxi ride.

But, they are an experience. 

These rattling boneshakers with straining air cooled lawnmower engines are more fun and give the visitor a more visceral feel of gritty city streets at road dust and smog level. It also takes tourists down bumpy, dark narrow alleys no taxi dare venture. 

Tuk tuks are tiny three wheelers. 

In the front cabin sits the driver and front seat passenger, I mean one person shoehorned beside the driver. Back seats four, making a total of six persons for the gasoline powered mule to carry. 

Tuk tuks are quirky Japanese designed Daihatsu Midget three wheelers which were first produced in 1957.

The Midget was exported to the USA in 1959 as the Trimobile.

Production was set up in Thailand in 1959. Soon, these 12 horsepower three wheelers powered by 305cc air cooled engines displaced the man peddled trishaws. 

Daihatsu Midget production ended in 1972 after more than 340,000 vehicles delivered. 

Today, there are many different types of tuk tuks throughout Thailand. 

But, Trang's frog face tuk tuks are OG unique i.e. original.

The quirky frog faced tuk tuk in Trang with pointy snout and buggy eyes is an icon of the southern Thailand city. They are vintage artefacts (Daihatsu Midget MP5) from the 1960s. So, when you ride in a frog face tuk tuk, you are travelling back in time. 

Ayutthaya also has frog face tuk tuks but they are usually new built. 

You have to ride in a froggy tuk tuk before your trip to Trang can be considered complete. I mean Trang city is like 1960s Singapore and riding in a 1960s vintage Daihatsu Midget completes the experience.

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#ShotwithHONOR, #HONORMagic6Pro, #HONORSingapore, Thailand, Trang,

Our encounter with vintage tuk tuk in Trang was part of our 5 Day Foodie Trip to South Thailand 👈

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Written by Tony Boey on 14 Oct 2024

Tuk Tuk Gallery

Tuk tuk in Ayutthaya

Tuk tuk in Ayutthaya

Tuk tuk in Ayutthaya

Daihatsu Midget

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