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Good News - No Need for White Immigration Cards at Malaysian Checkpoints from 1st Jun 2012

Secretary-general of Malaysia’s Home Ministry, Tan Sri Mahmood Adam, announced on 20 May 2012 that, with effect from 1st Jun 2012, foreigners entering Malaysia need not fill the white arrival cards to enter Malaysia.

This should mean quicker clearances at the immigration checkpoints for trips to Johor's famous makan places J


  1. Wa really? Is it a false alarm?

    If this is true, it will be great! less hassle and save paper too

  2. wah!! serious? then i don't have to keep on writing those cards up for my husband and child when i balik kampung through Singapore :) so last time for me to fill them up this Saturday! can't wait to balik kampung and makan!!

  3. ceh! just checked the news... you meant only for Singaporeans :(

  4. Really? Oh.. I thought it is for all nationalities also. Let me check again.


    According this Bernama report its refers to "foreigners" - taken at face value that means all nationalities? The report also gave a tel number 1-800-22-6969 and email for people seeking clarification.

    We'll all know on 1st Jun ;D

  6. Yati, today I clarified with the Malaysian immigration officer at the checkpoint. He comfirmed that this ruling applies to all nationalities. All no need to fill white cards ;D

  7. thanks for that!! great news indeed! so tonight, in preparation for our balik kampung trip, is the last time I filled in the immigration card for them! :) Can't wait! two more sleeps... and mom has promised murtabak (must be the one from the warung near English College) waiting for me when I arrive!!

  8. Welcome home, Yati! I should try that murtabak too ;D Wish you a great stay!


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