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Nostalgic Armenian Street Char Kway Teow @ 303 Anchorvale Link Sengkang • True to Tradition


When I heard that the old Armenian Street char kway teow stall is now in Sengkang, I made my way there at the first opportunity. (This was back in 2016. They are still here in 2023.)

Precious picture of Armenian Street char kway teow boss Tan Chong Chia (Lao Chen) in the 1980s courtesy of Armenia Street Char Kway Teow

You see, this char kway teow stall is one of the lunch places we go to after taking the kids to the National Library. That was back in the 1980s - 90s. 

Even earlier, in the 1970s, we ate at this char kway teow stall after using the USIS library in the US Embassy across the road. It was also near the old Stamford Road MPH bookstore where we hung-out often. Yeah, we were nerdy kids.

The char kway teow stall moved out of this corner coffee shop at the intersection of Armenian Street & Loke Yew Street in 2001 to make way for redevelopment. Photo courtesy of National Archives of Singapore 

But frankly, Armenian road char kway teow was never my favourite though it's likeable and well above average. It's just that it's associated with the most personal memories of all char kway teow stalls in Singapore. Four decades of memories of things and people, some of which are still vivid.


Today (2016), I ordered a SGD4 plate from the friendly Uncle Tan Boon Kiat, whose father started the street side stall in 1949 before settling down at Armenian Street. When I came to Sengkang, I wondered how today's Armenian Road CKT would be like. Frankly, I've lost exact memory of the original taste.  

As I carried the plate of char kway teow back to my table, I caught a whiff of caramelised garlic and sauce aroma rising from the smothering mound of brownish noodles. It was a nice aroma that reminded me of those Armenian Road days along the blistering hot five foot way with flaying bamboo blinds and walls of cracking whitewash. Our noses have elephant's memory.

Oh my gawd... what a precious video of the young Uncle Tan Boon Kiat and Hock Hiap Leong kopitiam!


As I dug into the CKT, I sensed and appreciated that Uncle Tan is trying his best to be as close to the original as possible. There were slices of lup cheong (Cantonese wax sausage), fish cake, blood cockle, egg, bean sprout, chives, lard crackling, garlic, chye poh (preserved radish) etc. Everything was there to give it lots of layers of flavours.

Wok hei was shy though it was present. The sauce's flavour was mild and on the slightly sweet side with just a bit of savouriness and spiciness (as I had asked for chili). Because the sauce was mild, I could enjoy the nice taste of the lup cheong and the tiny bak pok (lard croutons) which stood out. 

Though, I generally like mild flavours, for CKT I really prefer it to taste robust with intense savouriness, no holds barred greasy lard flavours and lots of wok hei. So, this CKT will suit you better if your taste buds are tuned to gentler, milder flavours.


If you are an Armenian Street char kway teow fan or one who spent your youth hanging out around the Stamford Road - Armenian Street area, you'll be glad to know the CKT is in Sengkang now, even though the National Library, old US Embassy and MPH are all long gone 😪

(Note: There was another Armenian Street char kway teow stall at BLK 24 Sin Ming Road ran another of Lao Chen's sons. Sadly, the stall has closed as stall holder Tan Boon Teck has passed on.) 


Armeniam Street CKT is at the Block 303 kopitiam, right at the Renjong LRT station. Very accessible though Sengkang is quite far for most people. 

👉 The current owners (founder's wife and son) are doing their best to stay faithful to the spirit of old Armenian Street CKT and deserve our support.


Name of restaurant: Armeniam Street Fried Kway Teow 亚美尼亚街炒粿条 
Address: Blk 303 Anchorvale Link, Singapore 540303  
GPS: 1.386957, 103.890547 / 1°23'13.1"N 103°53'26.0"E
Hours: 11:30am to 7:00pm (Thurs off)
Tel +65 9367 6729

Non Halal

Written by Tony Boey on 11 Jul 2016 | Updated 17 Jan 2021 | Updated 25 Apr 2023

I am touched by Uncle Tan Boon Kiat's sincerity in sharing the secrets of his char kway teow with his apprentices in this show.


  1. I ate this last year, nothing to shout abt imo.

    1. Yeah it's just above average but two generations of Singaporeans have fond memories of the old stall at Armenian Street.

  2. The laksa, chicken rice and zi char there is very good. We often go there to dapao for lunch or dinner.

  3. You just had cha kway teow. Better limit the intake

  4. I already forgotten about his CKT that was in my younger days. Yes I have eaten his CKT many time when I visit the USIS library.
    Thank for your information

  5. Best looking CKT with nice char wok hei and the right colour. Irresistible 👍

  6. It’s not bad however the trouble with this stall is that it’s not consistent!!

  7. Armenian Street CKT has one branch at Sengkang East Avenue Block 303 coffeeshop.....
    It is operated by an old lady and her son .....just sharing what I know......bon apetit...

  8. CKT at Armenia St and Newton Road were the best in the 60s and early 70s. No others had that standard.

  9. Best looking CKT with nice char wok hei and the right colour. Irresistible 👍

  10. Very normal plate of ckt nothing spectacular

  11. Standard seems to drop a lot.. also, quite little so always need to order big pack...


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