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Johor Kaki Voluntary Full Disclosure Policy on Invited Food Tastings

Ninety percent (90%) of Johor Kaki food reviews are from the perspective of a full paying customer.

Johor Kaki has been receiving invitations from restaurants for food tasting. I do accept such invitations selectively.

I would like to state here that the same principles and standards upon which Johor Kaki was started and built, still apply.

All invited food tastings are disclosed for readers' protection. There is no masking.

I do not accept any fees for the food review articles posted in the Johor Kaki blog. In Johor Kaki blog, there are no paid food reviews (under various codewords such as "advertorial", "sponsored", "brought to you by .....", "in collaboration with ...." etc).

Johor Kaki food reviews are not for sale.

The difference between invited and incognito walk-in food reviews is, the host is not charging Johor Kaki for the food tasted during the invited food tasting session.

(*In addition, posts of invited food tastings will be in the form of photo essays i.e. food tasted at media invites will not be reviewed in the blog post. Detailed food and taste descriptions will follow in a future review post after an incognito, fully self paid revisit to the same restaurant.)

Furthermore, before accepting the invitation, I make sure that the restaurants understand that Johor Kaki will post only about food that I enjoy and which I sincerely want to share with my readers.

One in three (about 30%) invited food tasting is not posted on Johor Kaki blog.

If you have views regarding voluntary full disclosure versus non disclosure, please share them with me. Your views are important to me and are much appreciated :)

Thank you.


Help Johor Kaki put every good hawker on the World Wide Web

First edition: 15 Mar 2012

*Updated: 20 Mar 2015


  1. How do i contact you for the invite ?

    1. I am contactable by email Thank you.

  2. Hi Tony, I like your full disclosure policy. I have visited many food blogs of old and where when they become more well know; they do not make it clear whether their reviews are now invited reviews, advertorials or otherwise. Keep up the good work !


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