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Adventurous Culinary Traveler's Blog with 67 million+ reads 📧

Singapore Blog Awards 2014 - Best Food Blog


16 Aug 2014.  Johor Kaki blog was awarded the Best Food Blog honour at the Singapore Blog Awards 2014 ceremony today.

I received the award trophy and certificate from Ms Sim Ann, Minister of State, Singapore Ministry of Communications and Information, and Ministry of Education.

This honour is really possible only because of the support of many people, which I am grateful for.

First, my sincere thanks to the hawkers and businesses as you are the content, without which there will be no food or hawker stories, no Johor Kaki blog.

Thanks to my makan kakis and readers who tip me off on where are the best eats. You saved me a lot of wasted calories and many liters of petrol, not to mention giving me many mouthfuls of pleasure.

Above all, you gave me your friendship which I value more than anything Johor Kaki brought to my life.

During the month long voting process, which was actually quite harrowing, many readers and friends voted for Johor Kaki. Many of you went further by rallying your friends and families to vote for Johor Kaki. I am truly touched by your sincerity - expending your personal goodwill on Johor Kaki's behalf. Your well wishes and support gave me a lot of encouragement and gave me the confidence that I am on the right track with Johor Kaki blog.

During the next few days, I will be private messaging you to personally thank you for your support. If I missed you by mistake, please give me a shout out. I value your friendship.

My gratitude to fellow bloggers for the great company, and generously sharing with me your blogging tips and knowledge.

My thanks to the panel of 10 judges for their decision (which make up 70% of the judging criteria. Votes make up 30%).  

Thanks to Singapore Press Holdings for staging the Awards and the OMY team for conducting the event so professionally.

With gratitude,


16 August 2014


  1. congrats Tony. You deserve it.恭喜恭喜。实至名归

  2. Congrats Tony! Yes, you deserve it! :))

  3. Tony, Great to hear that you are the winner of Best Food Blog.. Congratulations :)

  4. Hi Tony! A big congratulations once again! I have inserted a picture of you on my SBA post, hopefully you will like it. Hehe... Cheers, Eryn


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