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Best in Johor · 10 Reasons Why SG / JB Fans Drive 2hrs for Kiang Kee Bak Kut Teh Fix


Kiang Kee Bak Kut Tea is located by the side of the busy Kota Tinggi - Mersing trunk road 1 - 2 hours drive from JB or Singapore. But, that did not deter many people coming from Singapore and all over Malaysia to taste it, nor prevent Kiang Kee from being the most famous BKT from Johor.


So, I asked Johor Kaki readers for the 10 reasons why Kiang Kee fans willingly drive 1-2 hours to taste their favourite bak kut teh (when good BKT shops and stalls are everywhere in JB).

Here are the 10 reasons why:

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1. Some people just enjoy driving, so going to Kiang Kee gives them a excuse reason to take their ride out for a workout and quick spin. Nowadays with navigation Apps like Waze, finding Kiang Kee in the middle of nowhere is a breeze. Last time, we need an alert human spotter to look out for the Kiang Kee huts while drivers kept their eyes on the road. (I enjoy driving but not this stretch from JB to Kiang Kee as it is mostly single lane trunk road with big lorries but little, if any, scenic views.)


2. Fans like Kiang Kee's well balanced herbal savoury sweet, dark moderate body soup. The (underlying liquorice?) sweetness lingers in the aftertaste. The soup has a subtle herbal aroma. It is unique and not found anywhere else, so fans who like this taste profile willingly drive 1- 2 hours for it. It is not really Klang style but uniquely, one and only Kiang style.


3. The pork at Kiang Kee is very fresh (never chilled nor frozen) and it is finished over charcoal to the right doneness. The texture is tender yet there is still some chewy bite. The flavourful soup does not overpower the natural sweetness of the fresh pork which we can taste.


4. Customers appreciate generous free top ups of bak kut teh soup (which I enjoy with Chinese fried crullers or you char kway). They cheerfully oblige requests for free soup top ups even when they are busy with huge crowds. Impressive.


5. Kiang Kee is the most famous brand of Johor bak kut teh but it has only one, and only one outlet. Fans and people curious about what is Kiang Kee bak kut teh have no other choice but to drive 1 - 2 hours here.


6. Kiang Kee is an old brand founded by Mr Pang 彭九 in 1980. It was located at a Shell petrol station in Kota Tinngi town - its main clientele then were lorry drivers plying the Mersing - Singapore route needing a herbal meaty energy boost. In 1991, Mr Pang 彭九's son-in-law, Mr. 黄 moved the little stall to its present location. For loyal fans from over the decades, driving 1 - 2 hours is just part and parcel of the Kiang Kee experience.


7. Many people like the kampung ambiance at Kiang Kee. The traditional attap roof help keep the restaurant cool during hot days. (I like the rustic feel of the attap thatched roof of Kiang Kee.)

Update: The old rustic charming attap roof has been replaced by a modern zinc roof since 2022. But, quality of food and service remains tip top.


8. The system at Kiang Kee is well organised and well oiled to handle large crowds. Follow these simple ABCD steps - A find an available table ⇰ B go to Mr. 黄's station to order your food (tell them your table number) ⇰ C return to your table and you will be served soon ⇰ D pay at the cashier after your meal (tell them your table number). Service is earnest and quick, and the staff do their best to keep pace during peak hours during weekends. I've been here many times and never had mixed up orders. Amazing considering the large crowds.


9. Prices at Kiang Kee are competitive, on par with the popular bak kut teh restaurants in JB. The menu is typical of JB BKT shops - we can tell Mr 黄 our preferred cut. I always ask for pig tail and "soft bone" (cartilage). (2018 prices.)


10. You can have good bak kut teh in many places in Malaysia and Singapore. But, to have good BKT like this - it's only at Kiang Kee in the middle of nowhere, somewhere off Kota Tinggi town between SG / JB and Mersing.


11Bonus reason: Bragging rights (from Alan Fernandez). The harder to get to, the more obscure, the better 😄 Though Kiang Kee is hardly unknown, it is still quite inaccessible especially for folks using public transport. But, that doesn't seem to deter everyone. Every time I am here, I always see groups coming in MPV taxis and hired vans.

12. Bonus reason: Wilson Wong said he stopped at Kiang Kee on the way for Milky Way shoot in Mersing and had it again on the way back to Singapore. So, some things have not changed through the decades. Kiang Kee is a much anticipated, delicious pit stop between SG / JB and Mersing.


13. Bonus reason: Every time I come to Kiang Kee, one thing never changes - the boss Mr. 黄 with his signature red jockey cap is always leading from the front, running the show. He is very serious about quality, so the taste is always consistent no matter how big the crowd. And, on weekends, the crowd is humongous. No joke.

Read about my first visit to Kiang Kee in Jan 2012, soon after I started Johor Kaki blog 👈 click

If you still have stomach space or if you want to make your drive more worth it, swing into Kota Tinggi town for this unique Hakka mee 👈 click


Restaurant name: Kiang Kee Bak Kut Teh 强记肉骨茶 
Address: Batu 8½, Jalan Mawai, Kota Tinggi, 81900 Johor 
GPS: N01°49.661' E103°57.503' 🌐 1.827702, 103.958317
Waze: Kiang Kee Bak Kut Teh
Tel: 6019-747-9416 | 607-882-1290 
Hours: 7:30am till sold out (usually before noon) (Closed on Monday and Tuesday) 

Non Halal

Date visited: Numerous times since 5 Jan 2012 | Written by Tony Boey on 27 Sep 2018 | Updated: 27 Mar 2022

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  1. Perfect breakfast for a weekend cycling trip...

  2. Pretty accurate... except for that it was rustic before they exploded big time... only a few tables... no elctronic ordering n payment system n no table nos coz only a few. Now its corporate yo ;)
    I dont think its in d middle of nowhere... it was popular with truck drivers n tourists on way to mersing... its like the famous or best rest stop on a main highway, its quite a heavily travelled road.


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