As I have not tried East LA Mexican before, I have no idea what good East LA Mexican food tastes like.
Still, I enjoyed the food at Lupe's (which I visited twice during my short stay in New York City).
The simple, tiny, casual restaurant was extremely popular. It was full house during lunch. The people were all very relaxed and were enjoying cheerful banter with their party. It was noisy, actually more noisy than a Chinese dim sum hall ;-p
There was a bar serving Mexican style drinks like cocktails, cervezas, and tequila,
Quesadilla USD6.25.
The appetiser was melted cheese and jalapeno salsa folded in a grilled flour tortilla.
The paper thin flour tortilla was grilled to a crisp. It was a soft kind of crisp that crumbled easily.
Eaten with a spicy, tangy sauce and chopped vegetables, the quesadilla was a nice light appetiser.
Beef burrito Colorado USD11.25 (before tax and tip).
The entrees come with lightly flavoured fluffy rice and a salad of chopped fresh lettuce and tomatoes.
The burrito was loaded with savoury sweet juice wrapped inside a sleeve of soft flour crepe.
The shredded beefy savoury sweet stewed beef was melty creamy soft. I love it a lot.
Roast pork burrito USD11.95 (before tax and tip).
The soft flour wrap was filled with roast pork, black beans, cheese and red chili sauce.
I like the mushy soft black beans in the creamy cheese and chili sauce. The pork were cubed and slightly fibrous with a slight porcine flavour.
There were several fascinating colourful bottled sauces on the table.
I tried all of them and especially liked this bright glowing green sauce the most. It had a nice hot sting and a pleasant vinegary tangy flavour.
There may be better Mexican food in LA and Mexico, but in New York City, I had good experiences at Lupe's.
Next time, Lupe's chicken enchiladas mole poblano which is shredded chicken in a traditional rich dark brown chili sauce of 20 ingredients. I shall also try some Mexican style beverages.
Restaurant name: Lupe's (East LA Kitchen)
Address: 110 Avenue of the Americas, NYC New York (junction of 6th Ave and Watts Street)
Hours: 10:00 am – 12:00 midnight
Date visited: 16 Jan 2015
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