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Kevin's Taiyaki at P.A.T. Supermarket in Koreatown Toronto


I know I shouldn't but I have a little indulgence whenever I am in Toronto's Koreatown at Bloor St. West. After my always heavy lunch in Koreatown's little ajumma (auntie run) restaurants, I couldn't resist this fish-shape waffle at Kevin's Taiyaki.


Part of my problem is I like to browse the P.A.T. supermarket for Korean vegetables, fruit, meat, fish, food, condiments and spices.


Then, Kevin's Taiyaki is right inside there at the entrance.


As I pass Kevin's Taiyaki, there is always the smell of sweet eggy aroma from the heavy cast iron moulds.

I will just walk right pass the stall, psyching myself "not this time".

Fresh perilla leaves are an essential part of the iconic gamjatang or Korean pork bone soup

Then, I go on inside P.A.T. and browse the fascinating varieties of kimchi, Korean snacks, instant noodles, pastes, sauces, spices etc etc.


Trouble is I have to walk past Kevin's Taiyaki again on the way out. That's when I'll be hooked. I can't resist the sight and smell of these freshly baked fish-shape waffles.

It's literally a case of "fish hooked man".


👉 Kevin's taiyaki is always fresh and piping hot. The golden brown eggy wrap is fluffy light yet slightly crispy on the outside. The fillings are generous. Made with real beans (red, green or black), they have just the right soft grainy texture and are not overly sweet. It is totally unlike the sugary smooth paste sold at other places.

I also tried the smooth, sweet custard filling but didn't like it as much. But, custard is the favourite of many people.

(Fish-shaped waffles are originally snacks from Japan and variations of it are now found over all East Asia and Southeast Asia. Kevin's Taiyaki's Korean version is my favourite so far. Koreans call it bungeobbang 붕어빵 or "carp bread".)


Restaurant name: Kevin Taiyaki (food stand inside P.A.T. Korean Supermarket)
Address: 675, Bloor St. West. Toronto ON. M6G 1L3
GPS: 43°39'50.4"N 79°24'58.7"W | 43.664001, -79.416300
Hours: 11:30am to 9:30am

No pork, no lard, no Halal cert

Date: Apr 2017

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