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Sanford Mineral Water Springs from Bintan to the World Beyond

When you are in Batam and Bintan (Riau Islands in Indonesia), you will see Sanford mineral water everywhere in hotels, coffee shops, ferry boats, provision shops, supermarkets etc. Sanford mineral water produced in Batam and Bintan has the biggest market share there and is still growing.

I am so grateful for the privilege to visit Sanford mineral water manufacturing plants both in Batam and in Bintan.

At the Bintan plant where Sanford was founded in 1999, water come directly from the mountain stream at Gunung Lengkuas.

Paying respect and giving thanks before visiting Sanford's Gunung Lengkuas plant in Bintan.

The mountain stream water is put through a few stages of filtration, as well as German technology ozone and ultraviolet treatments to remove physical, biological and chemical contaminants.

The mountain stream water, cleaned of all contaminants is bottled. These were large gallon size bottles for water coolers.

Filling the water into cups - those convenient thirst quenchers often found at events.

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Sanford water is lab tested three times a day, and also hourly in plant. As a final check before packing, the bottled water is visually inspected for any irregularity.

Packing the bottles and cups into cartons for delivery.

Loading the bottles of Sanford mineral water for delivery.

Delivery is round the clock, so if you are in Batam and Bintan, you are likely to chance upon one of these Izumi trucks (Izumi Group is the parent of Sanford Mineral Water). The Sanford delivery network can send their mineral water to you within 15 minutes of receiving your order anywhere in Batam and Bintan.

Sanford mineral water is deep in the fabric of life in Batam and Bintan.

Pro Tip: The mountain stream Sanford mineral water makes Chinese tea tastes better. One cannot brew good tea with unsuitable water, no matter how good the tea. Suitable water makes even average tea tastes good. Tea enthusiasts may want to try some Sanford mineral water from Bintan 😄

Date visited: 23 Mar 2018 (Bintan), 24 Jul 2018 (Batam)

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  1. I love this!
    A nice slightly different subject matter, still local and still so interesting.

  2. Sanford mineral water tastes like the good old sweet Singapore tap water in the sixties. Wonder why not available on Shopee. I think this product is outstanding in taste.


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