What does wild boar meat tastes like? Most people would think that it would be fibrous and gamey - not very nice and far from domesticated pork. Well, I thought so too after trying several wild boar places in Johor - good as a novelty but hardly something for everyday meals. But, that's before I tasted the Watermelon Boar 西瓜猪 of Pontian. That tastes like Spain's Iberico pork, no kidding.

This wild boar meat is sold in a home along Jalan Kukup - the trunk road linking Pontian town (north) with Kukup town (south). We drove up and down the road, stopping a few times to ask for directions before we found this place.

The signboard outside says Kebun Bunga Peace Blossom Garden and Nursery 花香園藝.

Use this sketch - the place is about 3km from Pontian town, on you left, if you are heading south from Pontian to Kukup.

It's actually the family home of Mr & Mrs Chuang 莊. Customers eat at the two large round tables set up in the shady and breezy veranda.

Mr. Chuang is a retired school teacher. His hobby is hunting but he goes out to the woods less often nowadays as he gets older. His hunting kakis bring in their kills. As all are wild kills, it is best to call Mr or Mrs Chuang at ☎ +6012 765 2782 before coming. Ask them if they have 西瓜猪 Watermelon Boar before you come (to avoid a wasted trip).
Mr Chuang has the reputation of a food Nazi but he has mellowed down a lot, I am told. He called his "restaurant" 三不卖 Three No Sale. His three business principles - Can't wait, no sale; Not a regular, no sale; Think his food is pricey, no sale. Let me stress that he is quite friendly and flexible nowadays 😄

Mrs Chuang cooks several different wild game dishes which I blogged here 👈 click
But, I am only talking about the Watermelon Boar here as I suddenly have this craving for it 😂 I had Iberico pork a few times and can double confirm that Watermelon Boar tastes even better (in my opinion lah.... .)
You see, the Iberico pigs of Spain are fed acorn which gave them their prized flavour and texture. Wild Watermelon Boars live in oil palm plantations and feed on oil laden palm fruits. Plantation owners consider them pests but the plantations are vast so the boars "free range" inside like the Iberico pigs of Spain 😄 Watermelon Boar meat and fat compare very well with Iberico pork in taste and texture.

Mrs Chuang cooked the Watermelon Boar in curry spices. The spicy curry was quite robust but even then, it did not mask the natural sweetness of the Watermelon Boar. The meat was tender and juicy, even more so than Iberico pork. It tasted sweet and there was none of that characteristic wild boar gaminess and chewiness.
The fat was thick, quite unlike the usual wild boar which tend to be lean. The fat was sweet and light on the tongue like Iberico pork fat. Biting into the fat was like biting into warm sweet juice filled jelly.
The skin was even softer and smoother than boiled grouper fish skin.

I am looking forward to another trip to Pontian to fulfil my craving for Watermelon Boar now 😋
4-Star (out of 5). This Watermelon Boar is 忘不了 unforgettable.

Restaurant name: 笨珍三不卖野味
Address: Lot 757, Jalan Kukup, Pontian, Johor (about 200m south from Parit Mosque)
GPS: 1°27'28.1"N 103°24'11.8"E | 1.457803, 103.403263
Waze: Spartan Gym
Tel: +6012 765 2782 (as the meat is wild caught, phone booking is ideal)
Hours: 11:00am - 5:00pm
Non Halal
Date visited: 5 May 2018

Jimmy Cheang said on Johor Yummy Group "~ At 三不卖, Baba Seng also offers you his Pepper Root Soup that can make you wet all over. But be careful not to wear your shoes into his "Home Restaurant." 😛😛😛
ReplyDeleteJimmy Cheang said in Johor Yummy Group "~ yes, long time never visit him. Wonder if he is still selling flowers and birdcage or not. Previously, we used to order plenty of beer and some special pre-ordered "wild animal dishes" to spend an afternoon there".🤤🤤🤤
ReplyDeleteWen Qing-Zhang RT said on Johor Yummy Group "Hahaha, he is also called "huan kia Seng". Yes, white pepper root soup is a must. Another dish is a fish dish braised "Tiong Kang" or "Gu Hoot" but, not always available. If lucky, durian from his backyard also can."
ReplyDeleteThanis Lim said on Johor Kaki Facebook: "I think it would only be a fair comparison if the wild boar was cooked similar to how iberico was. Can the boar be cooked medium to medium well like a normal iberico or smoked to become ham or maybe even a delicious tonkatsu? Have you tasted this wild boar cooked in other ways besides the curry wild boar mentioned in the post? This is quite an interesting wild boar being free range and ate palm. Would be lovely to personally try it myself and know more about this boar".
ReplyDeleteThis boar is not very well known now and haven't been tried in many recipes. but it's natural taste resembles iberico. that plate of curry boar (which I think does not really bring out the natural flavours at its best) costs RM20+ (a tiny fraction of iberico price).
DeleteI have personally tasted his home cook 野味 when I organized a group to visit his home and durian farm some years back. Very authentic and good , and the durians were superb , got lychee taste , guava taste , etc. Worth a visit for sure. There is even a gym at his backyard