You know right.... like me, you might have also seen such ancient Chinese bronze masks with angular facial features and bulging eyes. My first impression was they weren't very Chinese looking but I never gave any it any further thought.

During our Sichuan tour, our guide Marco brought us to 三星堆 Sanxingdui Bronze Museum. Only then, did I realised that there was something to my intuition - experts also believe they were not Han Chinese 汉族. But, it's still a mystery what civilisation created these masks which some experts consider even more historically significant than the more famous 2,230 year old Terracotta Warriors of X'ian.

These ancient over 3,000 year old masks at 三星堆 Sanxingdui actually debunked the cherished narrative that the cradle of Chinese civilisation lies in 黄河中原 Central Plains of the Yellow River. Sanxingdui is now recognised as one of the cradles of Chinese civilisation but who really were these people? That's still a mystery.

The people who made these intricate gold inlaid bronze masks and other artefacts were clearly an advanced civilisation but they left no written languages which made it infinitely harder to know who they were. There were also no historical references to the Sanxingdui civilisation in subsequent records. They simply disappeared without a trace except for these artefacts which were first unearthed in 1929 by farmers digging to deepen a drain.

All the artefacts were found smashed with brute force, set on fire and buried under earth in jumbled heaps like rubbish. Were the artefacts ritual sacrifices or were they unceremoniously destroyed by invaders determined to exterminate the Sanxingdui culture?

Most experts believe that the artefacts were offerings to gods and ritually smashed, burned and buried. But, that doesn't explain why the entire civilisation disappeared without a trace. There were no geological signs of a great earthquake nor great flood. Perhaps, the entire population was wiped out by disease? Historians and archaeologists remained stumped to this day.

It's generally accepted that ancient Sanxingdui people were not Han Chinese, but who were they, really?
Theories abound, some verging on the realm of pure speculation. None conclusive nor convincing.

Photo credit: Wikipedia
Vanquished King Jehu of Israel kneeling to King Shalmaneser III of Assyria in 827 BC.
One theory is the SanXingDui civilisation is one of the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Ten of the 12 Hebrew tribes in Israel were expelled from the land when it was conquered by Assyrians in 721 BC (2,740 years ago). According to the lost tribe theory, one of the tribes escaped to SanXingDui. The Hebrew Lost Tribe theory was first put forth by 陶然士 Thomas Torrance, a missionary who worked in Chengdu and West Sichuan between 1895 and 1934.
Torrance theorised that today's Qiang people 羌族 in West Sichuan are descendants of the lost Hebrew tribe based on their physical attributes and architecture.

The robe and hat on 三星堆大立人 Sanxingdui's 2.62 metre tall standing bronze figure resembled those seen on Israelite kings like those on King Jehu in the previous photo.

Photo credit: Wikipedia
The 1.43 metre long gold wrapped wooden staff with fish, bird and crowned mask motifs at Sanxingdui. Most experts agree that this was a symbol of power and authority, perhaps even belonging to the king of the Sanxingdui civilisation. Curiously, the staff was never a symbol of power or authority of China's Central Plains civilisations.

Photo credit: Wikipedia
On the other hand, the staff is a symbol of power and authority in Judaism. Moses is often depicted commanding the parting of the Red Sea with his wooden staff.

There were several intriguing large bronze scared trees with birds on their branches.

Photo credit: Wikipedia
I can't help but the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the Sanxingdui bronze trees was the Jewish Hanukkah Menorah.

Another form of intricate sacred tree at Sanxingdui.

Photo credit: Wikipedia
Another theory linked the Sanxingdui civilisation to the ancient Egyptians.

Sanxingdui's gold inlaid bronze masks resembled those in ancient Egypt - an artistic style not seen in the Han Chinese Central Plains civilisations.

Fierce looking, stubby, bug eyed, kneeling figure with a tall bushy head dress at Sanxingdui.

Photo credit: Wikipedia
It looks like the Egyptian god Bes, don't you agree?

Yet another theory which I am highly skeptical about (putting it very politely) is the Sanxingdui civilisation was visited by extraterrestrial beings i.e. aliens. No, I am unconvinced even though this piece (a replica) looked like something that could inspire another Transformers movie.

Unique bronze mask in Sanxingdui with pop out eyes not seen anywhere else in the world. Diving mask with snorkel? or a UFO pilot helmet? Just kidding. But seriously, Sanxingdui is that special place that keeps you spellbound with its riddles and piques your imagination.

👍 Sanxingdui Bronze Museum is just slightly over 1 hour's drive (70km northeast) from Chengdu city. There is really no excuse to miss this fascinating world class destination when you visit Sichuan. It will be a day very well spent that leaves you changed forever.

Sanxingdui Museum 三星堆博物館

Address: Guanghan, Deyang, Sichuan, China 丰富南兴镇真武村 (1 hour drive, 70 km from Chengdu)
Tel: +86 838 551 0399
Date visited: 23 Feb 2019
I follow Travellution Singapore for travel tips to China and beyond.
Hi Johor,
ReplyDeleteThanks for this excellent photo essay of your visit. It inspires me to visit as soon as the present epidemic calms down. I have done research on these statues, and any possible link outside China. Why were these icons violently destroyed? Not by invaders, but perhaps by the invaded after rebelling their conquerors? Just as the Egyptians violently destroyed all traces of the "Heretic king" Akhenaton? You noticed the link to either Israel or Egypt...Johor, that would mostly be the exact same thing. How much of "Israel's history" mentions Egypt? I believe I know who (most of) the images portray. Someone spiked in the eye on the 3100 BC Narmer Palettte (front side) and being marched with other captives on the reverse, only he now wears a mask...matching the ones on these statues. Also, the ten dead beheaded warriors on pallette...the Battle of the Ten Kings, a famous Hindu tale. The statues portray someone the Hindus tell another tale of: a young, blind prince, brought by his parents to meet his arranged bride. Her parents are horrified at his appearance, but the princess replies: I will wear a mask the same as my husband, so I see the world as he sees it." These two are Yuya and Tuyu...of Egypt, the face of Yuya, his lips, his long long neck, the pale skin around his and her eyes. The big hands. The statue portrays a blacksmith: this is when Yuya was known as "Visnu" and was king of many lands with many names...a hated, ruthless king. He forged the steel sword on Tut's chest from a meteorite (fact): Shiva's celestial weapon. Look at this link, and behold the face of the king portrayed in these images of Sanxingdui. He used many names, many aliases. Amenophis IV may have been one of them...Ame, the Bedouin Gecko deity, and Nophis...PhisNo/Phisnu/Vishnu. Also known as "Cyrus" (Koresh): those dead soldiers/kings on palette wear the armor of Koresh.
There have been many forgeries and rewriting of history..."changing time": that is what is meant by "The God of Time." This man's Greek name? Antigonas I. Chieftain of the "Hoplites"...the Hepthalite ("White") Huns of Central Asia. They used head-binding on their women: note his daughter Nefertiti's head shape: it matched his...as does the location of his bald spot exactly where Yarmulkes are worn today. Look at his mummy closely, the link to the color photo? His face is blue...like Shiva/(Shu), Agni, Vishnu. Shu, "god of the wind"...did you see a statue at museum with him wearing a "windscoop" crown? Forced air smelting...he invented it.
Look closely...the "cartonage" of his mummy and his wife's mummy? Same as images in northern Thailand of a deceased Buddha. Chinese scholars speculate: is this images from "Sanmiao" or "Yues." Yes, they are. The Miao are aka Akka, aka Karin/Karen...Hilltribes. Look at his wife's blouse closely....Hilltribe garb. These are "Akka": the Achaeamined/"proto-Persians"...Yuya is said to have been from AkMin...Achaeamin. Known later as "Al-khemmis...The alchemist.
Enjoy the journey Johor. Yuya is AKA Tushratta...aka Dasaratha...aka Akhenaton. And we know this because of who Dasaratha was married to: Kiya...the "mysterious wife" of Akhenaton: Keya. And by their offspring: Lord Rama/Rameses II the Great.
Your friend in truth