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Myojo Chicken Tanmen Instant Noodle


Bought a 5-pack of this classic Myojo Chicken Tanmen 鸡汤面. If my memory serves me right, this was my first instant noodle experience back in the 1970s.


Just the noodle block and a sachet of seasoning powder in the packet. Simple and basic.


The seasoning powder. Very little aroma and smells "chemical" when put to the nose.


Less than 10 minutes. Noodles in hot steaming broth ready.


The noodles were soft with a slight spring. Has a subtle wheat taste.


Light bodied broth with salty, savoury flavour. There was a slight peppery note which I like. The broth didn't give off any aroma.

I didn't feel any MSG thirst or unpleasant chemical aftertaste.

Myojo Chicken Tanmen Instant Noodle is still the basic, affordable everyday staple as I remember it.

Myojo Chicken Tanmen Instant Noodle is certified Halal.

Rating 4/10.

Return to instant noodle homepage.


  1. Hi, would like to bring up this issue for your attention. Previously the Myojo noodles i ate were supplied in a rounder corner shape. But of lately, the noodles were in rectangle with square corners. Also the texture of noodles is softer and not as chewy as previous. Previously, the noodles tends to stay chewy much longer after cooking n soaking in soup. I understand that at 2006, Nissin was the White knight for Myojo. A merger took place, saving from being taken over by a US company. Maybe someone in this industry can share some light here on the recent changes of the noodles. Thks’

  2. wow Thank you for the interesting insight. Hope someone can provide additional information on this.


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