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Shake Shack Burger in NYC New York

Shake Shack!

Several readers suggested that I must try this New York burger chain that started out as a temporary hot dog stand in Madison Square Park in 2001.


Shake Shack now has outlets around the USA and overseas, riding on the popularity of their signature burgers.


I visited Shake Shack's outlet in Battery Park City (BPC), near One World Trade Centre tower and next to the Hudson River. 

(I felt a little sad that Shake Shack's original Madison Square Park outlet was closed for major upgrading during my NYC visit :-((   )


Inside Shake Shack at BPC, the layout was warm and cosy with lots of wood and olive colours. Slightly more upscale but not too different from other burger joints.


Place your order at the counter and you will be given this pager before going to find your seat. When the pager lights, go to the pick up counter to collect your order. Easy. No need to mill around and wait. I like this system.


My Double ShackBurger at USD8.33 (after tax).


The two four oz beef patties were topped by melty cheese, sliced tomato, lettuce and ShackSauce wrapped in Shake Shack's signature yellow Potato bun.

Shake-Shack -Burger-NYC-New-York

The colourful sauce and ingredients were so fresh looking, they appeared "cheery and lively" to me.


My first bite of ShackBurger.

It was love at first juicy bite.


This well browned patty done medium well was soooo.... good.

The patty was a blend of sirloin, brisket, and short rib Angus beef. Every bite was full of drippy, savoury natural sweet beefy juice.

I like the ShackBurger.

A lot.

I like it that at Shake Shack, I get to taste real beefy patty without that off putting heavily seasoned, salty and greasy mince cake at average burger joints. 

The potato bun, soft and slightly sweet held the burger's savoury sweet flavours together well. The bun was also hinged on one side, so the tall burger was easy to handle (without the drippy juicy patties annoyingly sliding and slipping out of the burger).

The burger was so juicy that the spongy bun was soggy towards the end of the meal.

There were a couple of tiny bits of cartilage in the patties but that didn't really bothered me at all.

Next time.

SmokeShack, Shroom Burger, cheese fries and Concrete Shakes.


There were plenty of tables and chairs to enjoy the burgers al fresco but it was a little chilly this morning, so everybody was inside.


If you ever find yourself near a Shake Shack outlet, be good to yourself and give it a try.

Restaurant name: Shake Shack (Battery Park City outlet)
Address215 Murray Street  (between West St & North End Ave), NYC, New York, USA
Hours: 11:00 am to 11:00 pm 

Date visited: 2 Dec 2014

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  1. Dear Tony,

    If you like hot dogs, you can try the inexpensive but high quality ones at Gray's Papaya at the corner of 2090 Broadway and 72nd Street. It has been immortalised in many movies including You've Got Mail

  2. Dear Tony,

    I think at the rate you're eating, you;ll have to walk everywhere like New Yorkers do to burn off all the calories so as not to look like the character in Supersize Me! ;-p


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