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Why do Teochew Eat Rabbit Fish During Chinese New Year? 白兔鱼 🐟 白肚鱼 🐟 拜年鱼 🐟 發財魚 🐟 泥鯭魚


Rabbit fish 白兔鱼 also known as 白肚鱼 (peh tor her or white belly fish) or 
拜年鱼 (Chinese New Year fish) is in high demand during Chinese New Year. Eating rabbit fish during Chinese New Year is considered auspicious, especially in the Teochew community. Other Chinese communities have followed the Teochew custom.

The rabbit fish is a common food fish found in coastal waters from the western Pacific Ocean to the eastern Indian Ocean. The rabbit fish is also known as spinefoot because of its stiff, sharp dorsal and pelvic spines which are venomous (though not life threatening to humans except for a painful sting). The adult fish measures 6 to 8 inches. 
(Image courtesy of Wikipedia. The live rabbit fish looks so beautiful.)


(This picture of rabbit fish was taken in Tekka Market in Singapore. Rabbit fish are found in the markets throughout the year.)

The wide ranging fish is eaten throughout the year from The Philippines, Indonesia, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bangladesh to India. This fish is known as 泥鯭魚 in Cantonese and is popular with congee (Cantonese style porridge), especially in Guangdong, China. 

Image credit: Flickr
There are some 30 sub-species of rabbit fish - the sub-species for 發財魚 is Siganus Canaliculatus.

Teochew people usually cook rabbit fish by steaming with 花雕酒 Chinese cooking wine and julienned ginger. When served, the fish is eaten with a dipping sauce made by blending light soy sauce, sesame seed oil, chopped garlic, chopped chili, freshly squeezed lime juice, etc.


Rabbit fish is also cooked by dunking / poaching in boiling stock.


Fresh rabbit fish meat is white, tender, moist and sweet.


The delicate meat comes off the bone easily. At the belly, it can taste slightly bitter (which is an acquired taste that I've learned to appreciate).


The rabbit fish spawning season peaks from Jan to Feb every year (hopefully Climate Change doesn't change any of this). During the spawning season, the bellies of rabbit fish are filled with roe (eggs) or milt (semen). The rabbit fish spawning season usually overlaps the Chinese New Year.

The Teochew people consider eating roe and milt laden rabbit fish auspicious and will bring them good luck and prosperity. According to urban legend, a businessman in Singapore ate rabbit fish with roe and milt, and became very wealthy 🤔  So, anyone who wants to enjoy the same good fortune shall eat rabbit fish with roe or milt during Chinese New Year 😄 (The origin of the custom still needs verification and doesn't seem to be practiced in Chaoshan 潮汕, the Teochew homeland.)

The rabbit fish 白兔鱼 is thus also called 拜年鱼 Chinese New Year fish or 發財魚 prosperity fish because of this custom.

Other Chinese communities have also adopted the Teochew tradition, so demand for rabbit fish will peak around Chinese New Year. Chinese New Year price is at least 10 times the everyday price (up to SGD200 per kilo in recent years).


During the spawning season the rabbit fish are bigger, fuller. The belly tastes sweet instead of bitter. The fish roe and milt are creamy and rich like soft smooth custard. The roe have a subtle eggy taste while the milt tastes like milk.

(Cantonese who enjoy rabbit fish 泥鯭魚 off spawning season like the fish's bitter taste which go well with sweetness of congee. I like.)  


🐟 Eat rabbitfish for luck and prosperity during Chinese New Year. 

Eat rabbitfish after Chinese New Year while spawning season is still ongoing. After Chinese New Year, rabbitfish is affordable and the taste of sweet flesh, roe and milt is just so addictive 🤤 I wait for this post-Chinese New Year season every year to enjoy rabbit fish like here at Teo Heng Teochew Porridge in Hong Lim food centre 😄

Useful hack on how to clean roe or milt laden rabbit fish during Chinese New Year.

Snip open the fish belly on its right side (with the head pointing towards you). The gut is on the fish's right side while the roe or milt is on its left side. Just pull out the gut after opening the belly, leaving the roe or milt inside.

Date: 1 Jan 2021 | Reviewed 24 Jan 2023 | Reviewed 28 Jan 2025


  1. Alex Kee said on Tony Boey Facebook:

    "Too fishy for most people; as a Teochew, this fishiness is just perfect for me. Don't do too much with this perfect tasting fish: just steam lightly and dip in Teochew Taucheo and a little chopped red chillies, kalamansi juice and sugar, if you like."

  2. Tan David Chao Hsiung said on Singapore Yummy Facebook group:

    "the fact = the only time of year that it yield roe and sperm and myth = the roe and sperm are gold - wealth - it brings to you in the new year. they tried bringing farmed rabbit fish from taiwan but it is fishy - this fish can be very fishy. the best are from waters singapore. the traditional way to eat - older teochew will prefer to steam just with salt and let it air cool or dry then eat it. they like the chewy texture - that comes when it is air cool or dry. minced garlic with chillies and dash of salt either with vingear or lime is the best to go with. by the way there was many who wanted lots of "gold or wealth" that they ate too much roe and sperm the after effect can knock u off or feeling tipsy - the cholestrol brings up your blood pressure very quickly - moderation is good here lolx"

  3. Actually, whatever "urban" or even "rural", the legend it may be; the fact is that this "Pek Thor Herr" (white belly fish) appears somewhat near to and during CNY and therefore adopted by the super superstitious Teochew Nang as auspicious CNY fish.

    Infact, the Teochew name this as "Pai Chiah Herr": "CNY Greeting Fish".

    So, take it easy with a pinch of CNY Cheer: let mistakes replicate as mistakes: when the blind follows the blind, there is none the clever. 🤣

  4. Beware of sustainability issues from our wanton consumption:

    Never consume away our future: wild catch need to be given time and opportunity reprieve to replenish.


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