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Kidnap & Rescue of Sultan Malec al Zaher of Pasai ๐Ÿ“– Sejarah Melayu Chapter 8

Chapter 8 of the Sejarah Melayu is dedicated to the account of Sultan Malec al Zaher, second king of Pasai's audacious kidnapping by warriors from 
Shaher al Nawi and his peaceful rescue by Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din. (This saga is not mentioned in English language sources except in John Leyden's translation of the Sejarah Melayu.)

*I am studying the Malay Annals for insights into the roots of Malay cuisine.

Audacious Kidnap by Raja of Shaher al Nawi

On the orders of raja of Shaher al Nawi (I am still not able to find out where this is today), his ambassador and warriors came to the palace of Sultan Malec al Zaher (reign 1297 - 1326) in Pasai with gifts. When Sultan Malec al Zaher gladly received the foreign guests, soldiers hiding in the chests of supposed gifts, sprung out and seized the king of Pasai. Pasai warriors could not do anything as otherwise Sultan Malec al Zaher would be killed immediately.

The kidnapped Sultan Malec al Zaher was brought before the r
aja of Shaher al Nawi who ordered him to be held in a chicken coop - the sultan of Pasai was made to feed chicken.

Peaceful Rescue by Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din. Three Gifts of Gold

Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din, a minister from 
Pasai came to Shaher al Nawi dressed as an Arab trader and his entourage - they carried with them much gold. They were granted audience with raja of Shaher al Nawi and presented him presents of gold. However, Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din declined raja of Shaher al Nawi's reciprocal gift.

Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din requested a second audience with raja of Shaher al Nawi again bearing gifts of gold. Again, Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din declined the raja's offer to grant him any wish.

Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din then requested a third audience with raja of Shaher al Nawi, again bearing gifts of gold. This time, when raja of Shaher al Nawi asked Sidi Ali Gheyas what he wished for, the latter replied that he would like to receive the raja's hen keeper as he was a believer (of Islam).

Return of Sultan Malec al Zaher to Samadera Pasai

Raja of Shaher al Nawi granted Sidi Ali Gheyas' request, handing Sultan Malec al Zaher to the latter. Sidi Ali Gheyas then brought Sultan Malec al Zaher home to the kingdom of Pasai where he ruled till his death in 1326.

Sejarah Melayu compiled in Jawi by regent of Johor, Yang di-Pertuan Di Hilir Raja Abdullah in 1612, translated into English by Dr. John Leyden in 1821. The Malay Annals has 30 chapters.

Chapter 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 ๐Ÿ“—

Original translation of Sejarah Melayu by Dr John Leyden

Chapter 8 of 30 

IT  is related that there was a raja of great power who reigned in Shaher al Nawi, whose subjects and army were extremely numerous. Tidings were brought him one day, that the country of Samadra was a fine and  flourishing land, where a great traffic was carried on, and the raja of which was extremely powerful. Then said Raja Shaher al Nawi to his champions, who of you will take Raja Samadra.  

A bold and daring champion named Avidichu replied, "if you will give me four thousand warriors, I will  take him alive and bring him to you." He obtained the number of warriors, and a hundred (pelu) prows, with which he set sail, and arrived gaily at Samadra as if he had  been a merchant, and as soon as he arrived,  he gave himself out as an ambassador from Raja Shaher al Nawi. Raja Samadra, as soon as he received information, sent his warriors to congratulate him. 

Avidichu placed forty daring warriors in chests, which  opened from within, and sent them forward  to the palace, as containing the presents of Raja Shaher al Nawi; and he directed them, that when he should appear before the raja to receive audience, that they  should suddenly issue forth and seize the raja.  

Avidichu proceeded to the presence of the raja, and presented the letter, which was read in due form; meantime the champions started from their chests, and suddenly seized upon the raja of Samadra. The warriors of Samadra quickly flew to their arms, and drew their weapons from their sheaths, but the warriors of Shaher al Nawi assured them that the instant they should commence their attack, they would slay the raja, and by this means the whole of  the warriors of Pasei were prevented from using their weapons. 

Then Avidichu and his warriors returned to Raja Shaher al Nawi, with the raja of Pasei his prisoner, and presented him to the raja, who was highly delighted, and rewarded Avidichu and his companions. As for the raja of Samadra, he appointed him his hen keeper.  

It is related that after this event, Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din consulted with all the ancient mantris of the land of Samadra, and having fitted out a ship with Arab merchandize, for at that time all the inhabitants of Pasei were acquainted with the Arabic language, he caused all his crew to array themselves in Arab dresses, and then going a shipboard, sailed away to the land of Shaher al Nawi, where having landed, he went to pay his respects to the raja, carrying with him a golden tree, the fruit of which consisted of various kinds of gems, the value of which was a bahara of gold. 

The raja of Shaher al Nawi enquired what it was they desired; but Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din said, that he had no request to prefer, which augmented considerably the raja's joy. He could not, however, avoid reflecting what could be their object; they, however, all returned to their vessel.  

After some time he again went to visit the raja,  and carried with him a golden chess board, the squares of which were of gems, in like manner worth a bahara of gold. The raja  again demanded what was their request and he would grant it; but again they eluded his enquiry and returned a shipboard. 

When the season for returning to Samadra returned, Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din again presented himself before the raja, and presented him with a couple of ducks, formed of gold, and embossed with diamonds, a male and a female, placed in a bason of water, in which  they moved and swam of their own accord, and pecked each other.   

The raja was surprised at the skill, and again enquired what was their request and he would grant it, and confirmed by an oath (Demmi luhin!) he would grant whatever they wanted. 

Then Sidi Ali Gheyas ed-din said, "If you will extend to us the royal favour, present us with the man that feeds your fowls." Raja Shaher Nawi said, "he is the raja of Pasei,  but if you ask him I will give him." "We ask him," said they,"because he is of the  persuasion of Islam." 

Then the raja presented Sultan Malec al Zaher to them, and they carried him aboard, when they bathed him, and dressed him in a raja's vestments. Immediately the wind arose, and they heaved  the anchor and set sail, and arrived at the land of Samadra.

Written by Tony Boey on 11 Jun 2021


Image of Arab traders courtesy of flickr. Map of Samudera Pasai courtesy of Wikipedia.  Image of chicken courtesy of Wikipedia.

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