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Sultan Mahmud Shah Humiliates Sultan Abdal Jamil of Pahang ๐Ÿ“— Sejarah Melayu Chapter 27

The Pahang Sultanate and Malacca Sultanate were from the same family, so there was naturally some sibling rivalry. The Pahang Sultanate was established for the exiled Sultan Muhammad Shah who was the crown prince of Malacca but lost favour as he killed the Malacca bandahara's son (over a ball game). When Sultan Muhammad Shah of Pahang died, he was succeed by his son 
Sultan Abdal Jamil. Chapter 27 of the Malay Annals records two incidents which the sultan of Malacca grievously humiliated Sultan Abdal Jamil, causing his resignation / early retirement.

*I am studying the Malay Annals for insights into the roots of Malay cuisine.

Tun Tijaraan Bancal, the beautiful daughter of the bandahara of Pahang was betrothed to Sultan Abdal Jamil. But, Hang Nadim sent by Sultan Mahmud Shah managed to entice her to leave Pahang and marries the Sultan of Malacca instead.

In the second incident, Sultan Mahmud Shah sent laksamana Khwajeh Hasan to Pahang to steal Sultan Abdal Jamil's personal royal elephant.

The humiliated king of Pahang decided to retire, handing the throne to his young son Raja Mansur (who was still a boy) guided by his uncles (king's brothers) Raja Muzafer and Raja Ahmed.

Sejarah Melayu compiled in Jawi by regent of Johor, Yang di-Pertuan Di Hilir Raja Abdullah in 1612, translated into English by Dr. John Leyden in 1821. The Malay Annals has 30 chapters.

Chapter 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 ๐Ÿ“—

Original translation of Sejarah Melayu by Dr John Leyden

Chapter 27 of 30

[Death of Sultan Muhammed of Pahang in 1475]

IT is related that Sultan Muhammed, the raja of Pahang died, leaving three sons. The eldest was Sultan Abdal Jamil, the second Raja Muda Parasura, and the youngest Raja Ahmed. Sultan Abdal Jamil succeeded his father, and married the sister of Sultan Mahmud, who bore him a son named Raja Mansur, who was extremely handsome.   

At this period, Sri Amar Bangsu became bandahara of Pahang, who had a daughter named Tun Tijaraan Bancal, who was extremely handsome in form, so that no one could be compared to her in all Pahang. She was excessively clever at opening pepper-pods with her teeth, and in this she was so skilful, that she could always separate them into two equal parts without ever tearing them awry. She was sought in marriage by Sultan Abdal Jamil, and the bandahara her father had promised, and she was to be married as soon as the monsoon set in.   

Meantime the Sultan of Pahang sent Sri Wangsi di Raja to Malaca, to bear the tidings and tokens of his father's death, together with a letter. He arrived in Malaca, and was received according to the customs of the olden time. The contents of the epistle were to the following import, "May my liege, greeting, arrive under the feet of my suzerain lord, the Sultan of Malaca, to announce to him, that my father has returned into God's mercy."   

[Coronation of Sultan Abdal Jamil of Pahang]

For seven days the Sultan ordered the nobuts not to sound. Then the Sultan of Malaca sent Sri Dewa Raja to Pahang with a taper and perfumes, and he also ordered Abdal Jamil to be crowned in his stead, and to enjoy the nobuts. Then was Sultan Abdal Jamil extremely glad to hear the contents of the letter, which run thus, "Salam and good wishes from the younger brother to the elder. It is the will of God which has passed upon your father, and what power of changing it have we? I have therefore sent a noble person, Sri Dewa  Raja, along with Sri Wangsi, to do honour to your coronation."   

[Sri Dewa Raja's Exploits with Elephants in Pahang]

Then Sultan Abdal Jamil commenced his reign, and the ceremony of his coronation lasted seven days and seven nights; after which, Sri Dea Raja wished to return to Malaca, accompanied by Sri Wangsi; but Sultan Abdal Jamil requested them to stop till he had gone an elephant-hunting, as a great number of elephants had descended that season. Sri Dewa Raja persevered in requesting permission to take his departure, alleging, that if the winds set in, he would be a long time in his passage to Malaca, and incur the resentment of the Sultan; though he admitted he was very desirous of seeing the elephant hunt.   

Then Sri Dewa Raja asked, "If a tame elephant were loose, could he be taken with the noose?" The Sultan said, "That he can, whether wild or tame." On this, the other requested to see this operation; and Sultan Abdal Jamil called one of his hunters, and ordered him to let loose one of his tame elephants among two or three wild ones. After which they attempted to noose the tame elephant by the foot, but they did not  succeed, and noosed one of the wild ones. They then attempted to noose the tame elephant by the head, and again missed it, and caught a wild one.   

Sultan Abdal Jamil was greatly surprised, and called the old head man, with about ten hunters more, but none of them could succeed; but whenever they threw the noose, it struck another elephant. All the hunters, however, were surprised at the ability displayed by Sri Dewa Raja, which prevented the elephant from being caught. They came before the raja, and announced, that none of them could catch it in the presence of Sri Dewa Raja. Sultan Abdal Jamil was greatly ashamed of this incident, and returned to the palace; while all of them went to their homes.   

Next day, the raja ordered his elephant, Gompal, to be brought, and caused him to be rubbed over with oil, till he became extremely slippery. Now this elephant was extremely sloping in the haunches, so that only two persons could mount him at once; and if a third mounted, he was sure to fall; and even two men would fall, unless there was a howder. The raja having mounted this elephant, went to Sri Dewa Raja, and said, "Where is your son? I wish to take him on the elephant." Sri Dewa Raja said, "He is here,  Sire," but he thought, in his heart, that the raja only wanted to kill his son, by mounting him on so sloping an elephant. The raja desired him to mount, and the elephant was again rubbed with oil ; but Sri Dewa Raja called his son, saying, "Omar! Omar! come, the raja wants to carry you on the elephant." Tun Omar quickly came to him, and he whispered to him some instructions, which Tun Omar comprehended.   

Then the raja made the elephant sit down, and Tun Omar mounted, and seated himself on the rump, and they passed on to Ayer Itam, and wherever there was a declivity, height, or hollow in the road, thither he directed the elephant, in hope that the boy would fall; and whenever Tun Omar was about to fall, he mounted directly the rump, and clung to it, as his father had directed him; and whatever efforts the raja of Pahang made, the elephant refused to proceed: and whenever he moved his fore-feet, he could not move his hind ones. Tun Omar, when he reached better ground, then allowed it to proceed. Again the elephant wished to take the rough ground; and three or four times, it happened precisely as before. Sultan Abdal Jamil was greatly surprised, and returned to the palace.   

Then Sri Dewa Raja asked permission to return to Malaca; and when he reached Malaca, he presented himself before Sultan Mahmud, who was highly gratified to hear the proceedings of Sri Dewa Raja at Pahang. Then the Prince enquired concerning the beauty and accomplishments of Tun Tiji, the daughter of the bandahara of Pahang; and was answered, that at this period, she had no peer in all Pahang. The Sultan's passion was excited, and he frequently mentioned her name.   

[Hang Nadim Takes Tun Tiji Betrothed to Sultan Abdal Jamil of Pahang to Sultan Mahmud Shah.]

On a certain day, he said, "Who will go bring me the maiden of Pahang? I will comply with all his wishes, even to the extent of the half of the kingdom. If he has even slain a man, I will pardon him." Hang Nadim heard from below what passed in his presence; and he thought with himself, "Very well, I will go to Pahang, and if I succeed in bringing Tun Tiji, the raja will excuse my fault." For the raja continued desperately enraged at Hang Nadim, for his management in losing the bales, when he was sent to the land of Keling. He therefore, having formed his plan, took his passage directly for Pahang.   

When he reached it, he met a man of Champa, named Seid Ahmed, with whom he was extremely intimate. He enquired if it was true, that the Lady Tun Tiji was so handsome; and said, that he wanted much to see her. "She is very handsome, in truth," said the other," but she is betrothed to the sovereign of Pahang. Why then should you wish to see her. Besides she is the daughter of a very great man; and no man whatsoever can possibly see her; nor is it possible for the sun and moon to approach her."Hang Nadim now began to reflect by what device he should be able to get a sight of Tun Tiji.   

One day, there passed by an old woman who sold perfumes, and being called by Hang Nadim, she approached, and came into the house; and Hang Nadim got perfumes from her. "Mother," says he, "whom do you belong to, and where do you stay?" She said "I live with the datok bandahara." Hang Nadim said, "Are you accustomed to frequent the house of the bandahara?" The perfume woman said, "Yes, that I am; and I am also in the habit of perfuming his daughter, the lady Tiji." Hang Nadim said, "Is it true that Tun Tiji is so very handsome as she is represented?" "Indeed she is a very fine figure, and has no match in all the land of Pahang. I believe I have traversed the whole of it, and there is none to compare to her.   

She is however betrothed to the Prince, and is to be married at the end of this season." "Can you keep a secret, mother?" said Hang Nadim. "That I can, thank God," said the perfume woman; "that is a thing I am quite used to."Hang Nadim was highly delighted at what she said, and drew nearer to her; and how much gold did he not give her; fine gowns, and whatever she pleased! The woman could not help coveting these worldly goods, and she agreed to keep Hang Nadim's secret, and she desired him not to be cast down upon the subject; to trust to her management. Hang Nadim said, "Mother, I trust to you entirely, that you will enable me to deliver Tun Tiji to the raja of Malaca;" and on this he gave her more gold.   

She set out, and entered the enclosure of the bandahara, saying, "Who wants to be perfumed now ?" As soon as Tun Tiji heard her voice, she made her women call the perfume woman, and she entered into the bandahara's house, and perfumed Tun Tiji; and as soon as she saw nobody present, she said to Tun Tiji, "Heh! how sorry I am to see Your Ladyship's charms and beautiful person thrown away! how sorry I am that you are going to be married to this raja here. Were it to some great raja, how much better would it be?" "Why," said Tun Tiji, "what raja is greater than the raja of Pahang?" "What raja is greater; how can Your Ladyship ask that; is not the raja of Malaca greater? Were you to marry the raja of Malaca, that would be a thing just worthy of Your Ladyship." Tun Tiji was silent. Besides, when the perfume woman went out to go to the bandahara's house. Hang Nadim gave her an ointment to rub on the body of Tun Tiji, and she now took care to employ it, and cajoled her at the same time, with soft and flattering phrases; till Tun Tiji suffered herself to be wrought upon.   

As soon as the perfume woman observed this, she told her; "There is a servant of the raja of Malaca, here, named Hang Nadim, who has been sent on purpose by the raja of Malaca, on your account privately; for if he were to ask you openly, it is very uncertain if the raja of Pahang would consent to resign you; and therefore he has sent privately. If Your Ladyship would consent to go to Malaca, there is no doubt that the raja would marry you, for he is not yet married, and then Your Ladyship would become queen of Malaca; but if you marry the raja of Pahang, you can only become an inferior co-wife to the queen. But if you marry the raja of Malaca, there is no doubt but the raja of Pahang himself will have to do you homage at Malaca."Tun Tiji assented to this old woman's cajoling speeches.   

Now all the ancient and experienced people of former times, have said, "Let never a young girl become intimate with an old one;" for, as the Arabic verse runs, "Trust a lion to enter your fold, but trust not an old woman to enter your house." When the perfume woman saw her advantage, she pressed her the more strongly; and Tun Tiji said, "I fear that this Hang Nadim will not carry me to Malaca, but marry me himself." "How durst he venture to play such a trick?" said the tire woman, "when he is dispatched on the business itself? Let me go and take his solemn engagement however." On this, she went out to find Hang Nadim; and informed him of all that had passed. Then said Hang Nadim,   "Tun Tiji, the gem of Bengal, She who is skilful in splitting pepper pods; If the lady does not give me credit, Come let me swear on the word of God."   

As soon as the perfume woman had heard the oath of Hang Nadim, she returned to Tun Tiji and mentioned what he had said. "Since it is so," answered Tun Tiji, "I consent." This information the old woman forthwith communicated to Hang Nadim, who immediately went to find his friend Seid Ahmed, the nakhodah, and said "he had a favour to ask." "What is it that I would not grant to you," said the nakhodah, "even if it were a matter of life and death, I would not fail."   

Then Hang Nadim mentioned the agreement of Tun Tiji, and all that had passed, and Seid Ahmed was glad to hear it. "Now if you would do me a favour, clear your decks of the cajangs or sheds, and sail out, and wait for me at the mouth of the river, till morning twilight, and when I reach you, let us proceed to Malaca; and when you reach Malaca, I engage that you shall be highly rewarded by the raja." "Very well," said the nakhodah, and instantly ordered his people to stow away the cajangs, and be ready to set sail at midday. He went down the river accordingly, and waited off the shallows at the mouth.   

Hang Nadim then desired the old woman to go and bribe the keepers of the gates of the bandahara's house. The keepers were unable to resist the gold, and when every body was fast asleep, towards morning, the perfume woman conducted Tun Tiji down, and Hang Nadim stood ready below with a prahu at the quay hard by, and he conveyed her instantly to the prahu, having first wrapt up his hands in cloth. They descended the stream, and when they came to the first bar, Hang Nadim threw sand into the water, and cried out to open the bar, as they were going a fishing. The man in charge at the bar, said to himself, "Oh, 'tis only a fishing boat," and in this manner they passed the first bar; and so Hang Nadim got rid of all the bars, and passed out into the bay, and joined the nakhodah, Seid Ahmed. Then they took Tun Tiji into the vessel, and accommodated her in a close cajang cabin on the stern.   In the morning, when Tun Tiji's maids arose, they saw that their mistress was not in bed, and they went and searched for her at the bath, and in every other place, and then went to inform the bandahara that she was not to be found. The bandahara ordered her to be sought for every where, but no tidings of her could be found, and there was nothing but loud lamentation to be heard in the house of the bandahara.  

Then the bandahara went to communicate the information to the raja, who was equally surprised, and grieved at the intelligence. He ordered search to be made every where, but it was all to no effect. At last a person came up from the bay, who reported that he had met Hang Nadim early in the morning rowing out of the bay with a woman veiled, and that he had carried her on board Seid Ahmed's vessel, just as he was ready to set sail.   

Sultan Abdal Jamil was in a terrible passion when he heard this, and ordered ten swift penjajaps to be got ready, and he himself pushed out to the bay to pursue Hang Nadim, and all the champions of Pahang accompanied him with their prahus; and when they got out to Pulau Kian they found Seid Ahmed ready to set sail.   

Then the Pahang made a fierce attack on him, and poured on him a sharp cross fire of balls. Then one of the prahus of the hulubalangs run up to the jong of Seid Ahmed, and Hang Nadim pierced the man with an arrow, who hooked the junk; he fell dead, and the grapple fell from his hand, and the prahu fell back. Another immediately advanced, when the same thing took place, and so on with two or three more, after which no other durst approach.   

When Sultan Abdal Jamil saw all his champions fall back, he ordered his own vessel to advance, and Hang Nadim as soon as he observed the raja of Pahang, he immediately notched an arrow of the sort termed lusong, and clove the knob of the raja's umbrella, and called out, "Ho! Pahangers, observe my marking, if I take aim at you one by one, I will pierce each of you through the eye-balls." The Pahangers were alarmed at this denunciation, and the sight of his arrows in his hand, for Hang Nadim was a wonderous archer, and could split any rod with his arrow, and when he aimed at a man armed with a shield, he could smite sheer through the shield, and in the same manner with a buckler.   

Then came on the prahu of Tun Aria, when Hang Nadim split the mast right in twain, and again, he cut with his arrows all the bands which fixed the oars. Tun Aria stood right by the main-mast, with a buckler in his hand. Hang Nadim smote the buckler through, and wounded him slightly in the breast.   

Fortunately at this time there came a breeze of wind, and Seid Ahmed raised his anchor, and set sail to Malaca, while the small prahus of Pahang were compelled to return without success, not daring to follow the vessel through the huge waves. Seid Ahmed, the nakhodah arrived at Malaca, and intelligence was brought to the Sultan, that Hang Nadim had brought Tun Tiji, the bandahara's daughter of Pahang.   

The Sultan was highly delighted, and ordered her to be brought in state to the palace, and Hang Nadim brought her ashore, that very night, and conducted her into the presence. As soon as the Sultan saw Tun Tiji's face, he exclaimed in Arabic, "God have mercy! how beautiful." Then the Sultan bestowed many  praises on Hang Nadim, and conferred on him an honorary dress complete, of the sort worn by young Princes, and made him presents of gold, silver, and other valuables, beyond all calculation.   

To the nakhodah, Seid Ahmed, the raja also presented an honorary dress, with all its accoutrements, and a creese with a golden sheath and handle, and a sword bound with gold, and gave him the title of Shah Andoka Mantri, and ordered him to sit near the raja's feet, along with the bantaras. Then the Prince married Tun Tiji, and was greatly enamoured of her.   

On a certain day the Prince enquired of Tun Tiji, in what manner Hang Nadim had conveyed her away. "Please Your Majesty," said Tun Tiji," he neither came near me, nor even almost looked at me; and when he laid hold of my hand to conduct me on board the prahu, he even muffled his hands in a cloth." The Prince was highly pleased at this, and Hang Nadim rose greatly in his estimation. 

By Tun Tiji the raja had a daughter, named Arama Devi. The Prince also gave Hang Nadim to wife, one of the Princesses of Calantan, named Chaw Bok, and he also bestowed on him the title of singanaya. He begot Tan Aumet Ali, surnamed commonly Sri Patam, and known by the title of Datok Paduca Tuan di Campung Jelai. He begot Tun Hamzah.   

The raja of Pahang, when he lost Tun Tiji, was grievously enraged at the raja of Malaca. He mounted his elephant Capinyang, and ordered the bandahara to prepare all the gentles; "for," says he, "I will attack Malaca. Look all of you, I beseech you, at this elephant Capinyang, this is the way that he shall assault the public hall of audience of the raja of Malaca," and he immediately assaulted the hall of his own palace, and totally demolished it; and all the nobles cast down their looks on the ground, when they perceived his wrath. Then the Prince went into his palace.  

[Laksamana Khwajeh Hasan Steals Sultan Abdal Jamil's Personal Elephant]

This proceeding of the raja of Pahang was reported to the Sultan of Malaca. Then the Prince asked amid his champions, "Who of you now, will go and bring me the elephant of the raja of Pahang, with which he threatens to assault the hall of my palace. Whoever shall bring it, all his faults shall be forgiven, even though he have slain a man." Then said the laksamana Khwajeh Hasan, "If Your Majesty will give me permission, I will go to Pahang to bring this elephant." "Very well," said the Prince, and he accordingly got ready, and when he was ready the raja delivered him a letter, and then the laksamana Khwajeh Hasan immediately set out for Pahang.   

When he reached Pahang, the letter was received with due form and ceremony, and brought up to the hall of audience. When it was read, all the hulubalangs successively mounted the dais, and the laksamana, having made his respects to His Majesty, was seated above Sri Agara, raja of Pahang. Then the laksamana represented, "Your younger brother of Malaca is informed, that Your Majesty is greatly enraged against him, for which cause he has sent me into your presence, to enquire what cause there is that we should enter into quarrel or contest, brother against brother, when Malaca and Pahang are rather to be considered as one country than two."  The raja of Pahang, when he heard this, enquired who had conveyed this information to Malaca, the man is only a tatler, but let the laksamana only reflect if it be proper that Pahang should war on Malaca. On this the raja rose up and went into his palace; and those who were in attendance took their departure.   

The laksamana, however, moored near the place where the elephants of Pahang came to be washed, and when the elephant keepers came to wash the elephants, the laksamana was wont to invite them a shipboard, and give them to eat and drink, and when they returned he would make them presents of gold and money; and thus several days were passed till all the keepers grew greatly attached to Khwajeh Hasan, and the laksamana emptied a part of his prahu for the convenience of the keepers, when they came aboard to eat and drink, and treated them with great kindness, taking care they received no displeasure, and from time to time made them presents of gold and cloth for garments, so that no day passed without some presents; so that all those people were greatly attached to him.   

Then the laksamana asked permission of the raja of Pahang to take his departure, and the raja of Pahang sent a letter to Malaca, which was sent with due ceremony to the laksamana's prahu. That day likewise the elephant keepers came down to bathe their elephants, and among the rest the raja's own riding elephant Capinyang. The laksamana called the keeper of this elephant, and presenting him with four or five tael of gold, prevailed on him to bring Capinyang on board his prahu. The keeper, from his great attachment to the laksamana, did so, and the laksamana immediately began to descend the river.   

After they had passed four or five points in descending the river, then the keeper began to feign being in a terrible fright, and pretended to raise a great alarm, how the laksamana had carried away the raja's elephant by force. Then all the men of Pahang raised a great hubbub, and reported what had happened to the raja. When the raja of Pahang was informed of this proceeding of the laksamana, he was furiously enraged, and said, "The raja of Malaca treats me precisely like a monkey. He offers a plantain to my mouth, and hooks my tail with a pointed thorn." He then ordered thirty prahus to be immediately fitted out; and Sri Agura Raja, with Tun Hari, took the command, and pursued the laksamana out of the bay, as far as Sadeli Besar, without finding him. But the laksamana, Khwajeh Hasan, had weighed, and was on his voyage to Malaca.   

When he reached Malaca the Raja Sultan Mahmud was highly gratified at procuring the raja of Pahang's own riding elephant, Capinyang, and presented the laksamana with an honorary dress, such as was worn by Princes; and he directed the elephant to be delivered into the custody of Sri Rama. 

The fleet of thirty prahus returned, without success, to Pahang, and the raja of Pahang writhed like a snake with excess of rage, and he appointed his son, Raja Mansur, who was still young, to succeed him. The government was, therefore, entrusted to Raja Muzafer and Raja Ahmed, the brothers of Sultan Abdal Jamil; and Sultan Abdal Jamil retired from the world, and took up his residence above Pahang, removing further and further off, as long as he heard the sound of the nobuts, till at last he reached Lubok Palang, where he could hear the nobuts no longer. 

There the Prince took up his residence, and devoting himself to religious exercises, became a Sheikh. This is he who is generally denominated Sheikh Merhum, or the deceased Sheikh.

Written by Tony Boey on 27 Jun 2021

Image of royal elephant courtesy of picryl.

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