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Artichoke · So Singapore, Inauthentic Middle Eastern Restaurant · Non Halal


Today's dabao dinner was from Artichoke - inauthentic Middle Eastern food that is so soul Singapore. Heard a lot about Artichoke - I mean, I know people who swear by it and others who are not as enthusiastic. After tasting the dabao Meal for 2 today, I belong to the love it group.

Rather than inauthentic, I'll called it Middle Eastern inspired 😄

Restaurant name: Artichoke 

Address: 161 Middle Road, Singapore 188978

Tel: 6336 6949

Hours: 11:30am - 2:30pm | 5:00pm - 9:30pm (Tues, Weds, Thurs, Fri lunch only | Mon off)

Non Halal


Our dabao dinner spread. It's Artichoke's CB2 Meal for 2 which is available online for $80  👈 click


The Meal for 2 has a choice of 2 mains. One of our picks was Roast Chicken with shish taouk marinade (yogurt, garlic and spices).


The roast chicken was tender and moist - I mean not as moist as Hainanese chicken rice chicken, but more moist than roast chicken that I had in the Middle East.

There's nice savoury, smokey, spice flavours on the skin and subtle bit of chicken taste in the flesh.


Our other main was Pan Seared Snapper.


It's a thick slab of fish. Tender and slightly moist. A bit of savoury and spice taste outside while the meat had a bit of fresh fish sweetness.


The Meal for 2 comes with a fixed set of mezze (Middle Eastern appetisers) starting with obligatory Hummus. The ubiquitous hummus is one of the dishes I remember most from my Middle East trips. Artichoke's version is zhng-ed with tehina, miso, pomegranate, pistachio, currants, etc. Cough.. cough.. nice but I still prefer unembellished hummus 🤭


This was my first Beetroot Borani - 
cream cheese with beetroot topped with charred radicchio, 3-nut dukka and dill. The creamy dip has a nice zesty tangy sweet beetroot flavour and savoury nutty taste. 


Obligatory vegetable side of Rainbow Slaw with red & white cabbage, carrot, bell peppers, fried chickpeas, Green Goddess dressing, etc.


Turkish Bread (pita bread).


Cots and Cream - sourish sweet yuzu-chamomile pudding (contains pork gelatine) with fruity fragrance. Apricots add zesty tangy sweetness and tarragon adds its unique spice flavour.

Artichoke have other dabao / delivery meal sets. Based on what we had today, I feel it is worth checking out.

Today, we didn't have any falafel and olives 🤔, some food things I remember most about the Middle East.

Good job, Seth. You all got ask Bjorn why he named his restaurant Artichoke or not, ah?

Written by Tony Boey on 9 Jun 2021 🥡 Day 25 of Singapore Phase 2 Heightened Alert to curb Covid-19 spread.

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