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Kingdom of Aru - Malacca Sultanate War ๐Ÿ“— Sejarah Melayu Chapter 22

The kingdom of Aru (1225 - 1613) was located between the kingdom of Pasai and Malacca sultanate with Pasai to its north and Malacca across the straits to its south. During its heyday in the 15th century, Aru rivalled Pasai and Malacca in trade, seapower and influence. Chapter 22 of the Malay Annals contains the account of the war between Aru and Pasai which ended inconclusively as the neighbouring kingdoms were evenly matched. Aru attacked Malacca which was allied with Pasai during the reign of Alauddin Riayat Shah (1477 - 1488). This attack was repulsed by Malacca and ended in a truce.

*I am studying the Malay Annals for insights into the roots of Malay cuisine.

Sejarah Melayu compiled in Jawi by regent of Johor, Yang di-Pertuan Di Hilir Raja Abdullah in 1612, translated into English by Dr. John Leyden in 1821. The Malay Annals has 30 chapters.

Chapter 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 ๐Ÿ“—

Original translation of Sejarah Melayu by Dr John Leyden

Chapter 22 of 30

Account of the Country of Haru.  

THE raja of the country of Haru, was Maha Raja di Raja, the son of Sultan Sejak, who came down from the famous rock which always appeared to be up the water, if one was descending the stream, and to be down the stream, if one was ascending the water.   

The Prince Maha Raja di Raja sent an embassy to Pasei, and the name of the ambassador was Raja Pahlawan. When he reached Pasei, the letter of Haru was brought with due ceremony to the hall of audience, and a bentara presented it to the public reader, who opened and read it in the following terms.

"The elder brother sends his homage (simbah) to his younger brother ;" whereas it was written in the letter, "the elder brother sends his greeting (salam)." The ambassador, Raja Pahlawan immediately interrupted him, saying, "You read differently from the letter.'' The reader commenced anew, and read as before. Then said Raja Pahlawan, "Why do you read so, it is different from the letter?" Again he read it as before.   

Then said Raja Pahlawan, "Never shall I return to die in Haru, I will lose my life here in the land of Pasei. There is not a dog of Pasei but comprehends the force of that word much more than you folks." 

Again he read it as before. Then rage came on Raja Pahlawan, and he ran amok, and what a multitude of men fell by his hand! and a dreadful hubbub arose; but being assailed by numbers, he perished, with almost all his attendants; and those who survived, escaped to Haru, and related what had happened to the raja of Haru. 

Then the Prince Maha Raja di Raja was furiously enraged, and invaded Pasei, but could not subdue it. How long after that did the contest continue between Haru and Pasei?   

At last the Maha Raja di Raja sent a champion, named Sri Indra, to lay waste the domains of Malaca. At that time, from Tanjung Tuan to Jugara, there was an uninterrupted succession of houses, all of which were laid waste by the Haru men. As soon as Sultan Alla ed din heard of this ravage, he ordered Paduca Tuan, the son of the bandahara Paduca Raja, with the laksamana, and Sri Bija di Raja, to guard the seas.   

The fleet of Haru consisted of a hundred vessels, while that of Paduca Tuan was much inferior, scarcely being one to four or five vessels; but as soon as he reached Pulu Arang Arang, he fell in with the fleet, and immediately engaged it; and the sound of their weapons roared like the terrors of the day of judgment, on both sides. But so sharp was the assault of the Haru men, that all Paduca Tuan's men threw themselves into the water.  

At this time, Tun Isuf Besacah was in the vessel of Sri Bija di Raja, all the crew of which had thrown themselves into the water; and the Haru men boarded it at the prow. Sri Bija di Raja and Tun Isuf halted on the stern. "Lordinge," said Tun Isuf, "come let us amok it." "Stop" said the other, "till they reach the main mast." The Haru men reached the main mast. "Come on now, Lordinge," said Tun Isuf. "It is not yet time," said Sri Bija di Raja. The Haru men had now nearly reached the curung, or cuddeh. "Why stop longer, Lordinge," said Tun Isuf. Sri Bija di Raja then sprung into the cuddeh. Tun Isuf said, "Fy! Lordinge, I took you for a brave man, or else I had gone with the laksamana." Then Sri Bija di Raja came out and said, "Come on then, gentle inchi! let us amok, now is the time."   

Then these two amoked on the Haru men, and breaking their order, drove them into the water, to swim to their prahus. Thither also they followed them to the bark of Haru, and drove them like porpoises into the water again. Then all Sri Bija di Raja's men who had fled at first, returned to their vessel, and drew near the Haru fleet, and breaking their array, put them to flight, while a part of their fleet was taken by the Malaca men.   

Then the Haru fleet fled back to Haru, and informed the Maha Raja di Raja of the event of their expedition, and he was excessively irritated because a great part of the fleet was taken by the Malaca men, and in his wrath he swore that had he been there with his elephant Binodum, that all Malaca, with its fort and Malaca men, had perished entirely; and in the same terms he spoke of Pasei, how he would have wasted and destroyed it, and trampled it down with his elephant.   

Immediately he ordered the champions to go forth and destroy the Malaca men. The champions went forth accordingly, but they had no occasion to go farther out to sea than the mouth of the river. As for the Malaca men they had returned to Malaca, and presented the captured ships to the Sultan. Then Sultan Alla ed din fitted out a larger fleet, and ordered them to go immediately and attack the land of Haru.   

The fleet of Malaca sailed away, and halted at Dungan, where the crews landed to amuse themselves, and shake off their weariness. Among the rest, there was one Mia Ruzul, a Surat man, who went on shore, and he fell in with a tall goat, which had greatly the appearance of an old man. The goat wanted to get at him, but he being frightened, fled scrambling off, and rushed into the middle of the crowd, and the whole crowd were alarmed at the hurry and confusion of Mia Ruzul, as he was stumbling along. They cried, "What is the matter you are flying so fast, Mia  Ruzul." "I have met an old Haru," said he, "and when I approached, he fled, but when I fled he followed." When they heard this, they all took to their arms, and faced round to the attack, when they saw nothing but a tall goat, and nobody ; and they all returned laughing and joking at Mia Ruzul, saying in his dialect, "kita hudup, dea zoyhol, kita zoyhol, dea hudup,"  "when I followed he fled, and when I fled he followed."   

On the morrow the fleet of Haru advanced to meet the Malaca fleet, and the battle began, and the Malaca closed with them, and threw sharpened stakes, and stones. The Haru men could not stand this terrible shower, to which they were entirely unaccustomed, and they gave way, and retreated up the river.   

Then Maha Raja di Raja proposed peace, and Paduca  Tuan agreed to it. Then the Haru men erected a great hall at the landing place of Dungan, and all the nobles and great men having met in it, Paduca Tuan and the Malaca chiefs landed and held a conference, during which the hall fell down, and every one flew to arms. Sri Bija di Raja however did not flinch from his place, but only rubbed the hilt of his creese. The great men of Haru were greatly astonished at the constancy of spirit exhibited by Sri Bija di Raja, and said "he is small in size it is  true, but he is true Pedir pepper."   

Then Maha Raja di Raja dispatched a letter to Malaca by Paduca Tuan, and Paduca Tuan took leave and returned to Malaca, where he informed the Sultan of all that had happened in the expedition, at which the Prince was  greatly delighted, and rewarded him and his associates according to their deserts. In a short time after Sri Bija di Raja returned to God's mercy, leaving three children, two sons  and a daughter. The eldest of these succeeded him, with the title of Sri Bija di Raja, the other had the name of Tun Bija di Raja, who was the father of Sang Satia.

Written by Tony Boey on 25 Jun 2021

Image of Aru house courtesy of Wikipedia.

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