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Sang Nila Utama Sri Tri-buana & Founder of Singapura ๐Ÿ“– Sejarah Melayu Chapter 3

Chapter 3 is one of the best known of the Malay Annals' 30 chapters as it contains the account of Sang Nila Utama's founding of the kingdom of Singapura on Temasek island in 1299.

*I am studying the Malay Annals for insights into the roots of Malay cuisine.

Sang Nila Utama, raja of Bintan island was the son of Sang Sapurba, raja of Palembang and descendant of Alexander the Great. Sang Nila Utama was also Sri Tri-buana which means Lord of the Three Worlds - Gods in Heaven, humans on Earth and demons in the Underworld.

Sang Nila Utama moved to Batam island with his wife where they enjoyed the richness of nature.

The sea was rich with fish, and seashore with shell fish and sea weed.

"The princess sat under an aloe (Pandan) tree, and all the females of rank around her, delighted with viewing the amusements of her attendants; one of whom brought an oyster, another a cupang (species of oyster),  another a
bari (species of oyster), another pulled a wild plantain (banana), another the butan leaf to prepare a salad; another collected agar-agar (dulse seaweed), for making a relish."

The forest was rich with game meat.

"Sang Nila Utama, with the men went a hunting, and found great plenty. A deer started before Nila Utama, and he pierced it with his lance through the back. It continued its flight however, and he pursued it and pierced it through and through, so that it died."

From Batam island, Sang Nila Utama spotted the white sands of Temasek island. He went to explore Temasek island - on his way, Sang Nila Utama was forced to discard his crown to prevent his boat from sinking in a heavy storm. 

On landing in Temasek, he encountered a fearsome beast, which he was told was a lion. Seeing the lion as a good omen, Sang Nila Utama decided to establish the kingdom of Singapura on Temasek island (in the year 1299).

Singapura prospered as a seaport visited by traders from many nations including China, India and Arabia.

Sang Nila Utama and his queen Wan Sri Bini had two sons - Raja Kechil Besar and Raja Kechil Muda.

Sejarah Melayu compiled in Jawi by regent of Johor, Yang di-Pertuan Di Hilir Raja Abdullah in 1612, translated into English by Dr. John Leyden in 1821. The Malay Annals has 30 chapters.

Chapter 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930 ๐Ÿ“—

Original translation by Dr John Leyden

Chapter 3 of 30

The story of Sang Nila Utama, who stayed at Bentan (Bintan). 

SANG Nila Utama remained at Bentan highly enamoured of his wife, Wan Sri Bini. On a day, however, after a long time had elapsed, he was seized with a desire of going to divert himself to Tanjong Bemban (Batam), and wishing to carry his young wife along with him, he asked permission of his mother-in-law, the Queen Paramisuri Secander Shah. 

The queen remonstrated with him, asking what was the need to go to Bemban to divert himself, a place where there was neither elk, nor hog-deer, neither deer nor porcupine, where there was neither variety of fish in the sea, nor sea-flowers on the rocks, where-as there was every kind of fruit and flower in  the garden.   

Sang Nila Utama however declared  that he had viewed all the streams of Bentan till he was tired; that he had been informed that Tanjong Bemban was a very fine place, and therefore he wished to visit it, and that if he did not obtain permission he wished he might die sitting, die standing, die in every possible kind of way. 

The princess finding him so obstinate, told him there was no necessity for dying; he might go and take his pleasure. She then ordered Indra B'hupala and Aria B'hupala to prepare for the trip.   

Sang Nila Utama accordingly proceeded with his princess to embark in a galley with three masts, accommodated with a cabin and couch, provided with musquito curtains, together with canoes, cooking apparatus, and apparatus for bathing; and a variety of other canoes in company, and arrived at Tanjong Bern-ban, where they landed to recreate themselves on the sands, and amused themselves by gathering sea-flowers from the rocks. 

The princess sat under an aloe (Pandan) tree, and all the females of rank around her, delighted with viewing the amusements of her attendants; one of whom brought an oyster, another a cupang (species of oyster),  another a bari (species of oyster), another pulled a wild plantain, another the butan leaf to prepare a salad; another collected agar-agar (dulse seaweed), for making a relish. Others adorned themselves with the tertam flower, the turn flower and sangey-bre flower, according to their different kinds. Some sportively pursued each other, and their feet being caught by the rotan creepers, they tumbled down and again springing up  pursued their course.   

Sang Nila Utama, with  the men went a hunting, and found great plenty. A deer started before Nila Utama, and  he pierced it with his lance through the back. It continued its flight however, and he pursued it and pierced it through and through, so that it died. Then Sang Nila  Utama reached a stone of great height and size, on which he mounted and viewed the opposite shore, with its sands white as cotton; and enquiring what sands were these which he saw, Indra B'hupala informed him they were the sands of the extensive country of Tamasak.   

The prince immediately proposed to visit them, and the minister agreeing, they went immediately on shipboard. But as they were passing over, they were caught in a severe storm, and  the vessels began to leak, and the crews were unable, after repeated exertions, to throw out the water. They were accordingly compelled to throw overboard the greater part of the baggage in the vessel, which however reached the bay. The water nevertheless continued to gain ground, and every thing was thrown overboard till nothing now remained but the diadem (crown). 

Then the master addressed the Prince Sang Nila Utama,  stating, that the vessel could not support the weight of the diadem; and that if it was not thrown overboard, the vessel could not be relieved. The prince ordered the diadem to be thrown overboard, when the storm ceased and the vessel rose in the water, and the rowers pulled her ashore, and Sang Nila Utama with his attendants, immediately landed on the sands, and went  to amuse themselves on the plain near the mouth of the river Tamasak.   

There they saw an animal extremely swift and beautiful,  its body of a red colour, its head black and its breast white, extremely agile, and of great strength, and its size a little larger than a he-goat. When it saw a  great many people, it went towards the inland and disappeared. 

Sang Nila Utama enquired what animal was this, but none could tell him, till he enquired of Damang Lebar Dawn, who informed him that in the histories of ancient time, the singha or lion was described in the same manner as this animal appeared. 

This is a fine place which contains so fierce and powerful an animal. Then Sang Nila Utama directed Indra B'hupala to go and inform his mother-in-law, that he should not return; but that if she loved him she should send him people, elephants, and horses, to enable him to form a settlement in the country of Tamasak. 

Then Indra B'hupala returned to Bentan, and informed Paramisuri Secander Shah of all the circumstances, which had occurred, and the resolution of Sang Nila Utama. The Queen said, "very well, wherever my son chooses to reside, I shall not oppose him." She accordingly sent people, and elephants, and horses, too numerous to be mentioned; and thus Sang Nila  Utama settled the country of Tamasak, named it Singhapura, and reigned over it, and was panegyrized by Bat'h, who gave him the name of Sri Tri-buana.   

He reigned long over Singhapura, and had two sons, both of them very handsome ; the elder of whom was termed Raja Kichil-besar, or the young great Raja; and the younger Raja Kichil Muda, the young little Raja. 

At last Raja Paramisuri Secander Shah and Damang Lebar Dawn both died, and the son of Damang Lebar Dawn became raja of Bentan, with the title of Tun Talani, and his  offspring have the title of Talani Bentan, and have the privilege of eating in a large hall, and their rice and betel are all served up by persons who bear the tatampan, (or yellow gold cloth on their shoulder,) according to the practice of rajas.

The country of Singhapura is of great extent, and frequented by merchants innumerable from every quarter, and its ports are very populous.

Written by Tony Boey on 6 Jun 2021


Image of wild pandan courtesy of Wikipedia. Image of Sambar deer courtesy of Wikipedia.

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