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Hidden Gem Alert 💎 Best Steamed Tapioca Cake @ Sims Vista F C Stall #01-05 • AMK 628 Hao Qing Xiang 好清香


While stalking hawkers at Sims Vista food centre, chef Chung Deming tipped me off about a good steamed tapioca cake. Stall wasn't opened, so I came back the next day to look for 
AMK 628 Hao Qing Xiang 好清香 stall #01-05. "Good" is a gross understatement, this one of the best steamed tapioca cakes that I have tasted. It is a gem 💎 Thanks chef 🙏

Stall name: AMK 628 Hao Qing Xiang 好清香

Address: 49 Sims Place, Singapore 380049 (stall #01-05, Sims Vista Market & Food Centre)

Nearest MRT: 5 minutes walk from Aljunied station

Hours: Breakfast & Lunch (Mon off)


AMK 628 Hao Qing Xiang 好清香 have little social media presence. Only those who know, know. There's always a trickle of customers at the stall but I've not seen any long queues.

They make their own yam cake, glutinous rice and tapioca cake (kueh ubi kayu) at the stall. They also have chee cheong fun which they kept warm in a steam cabinet.

Can you see the fourteen steel trays on the right? Yeah, these were freshly steamed tapioca cakes.


I kaypoh, kaypoh (busy body) stepped forward to take a look.


This was my third food stop for the day, so I just bought their tapioca cake (saved the yam cake, glutinous rice and chee cheong fun for my next trip).

How much? $1.80 for three pieces.


I mean, it is such a humble dish, right... but I am not ashamed to say that I was blown away.

The tapioca cake was soft-tender, slightly moist inside yet doesn't stick to my teeth. It tasted naturally, gently sweet and not sugary at all. The grated coconut pulp added another layer of sweetness and a subtle squeaky bite to the soft-tender cake.

Before I know it, I ate up all three pieces 🤤

Yes, I am coming back for the rest of their menu items. Meanwhile, shout out about their marvellous tapioca cake first.
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Written by Tony Boey on 3 Nov 2021


  1. love the one from heng heng @ maxwell, especially when you leave them in the fridge and have them when its cold as it don't turn hard, will make a trip to try this stall soon

  2. Tried the AMK 628 tapioca cake, it's pretty soft in texture and quite nice, but we feel Ah Meng's version (Hong Lim FC) still has the edge.

    BTW, have you tried the superb fish soup & seafood noodles at Hock Heng (#01-37) at the same FC? By far boasts the longest Q at lunchtime and sells out early, together with the popular 亮記板面 ban mian (#01-55).
    Do check out the coffee, tea (and mixed) at Zhen Cafe too (#01-56).

    1. Thank you. Shall visit Ah Meng.

      I did try Hock Heng, will be blogging about it soon.


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