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Fei Qian Wu Famous Unagi Don in Taipei 肥前屋鱼

Restaurant name: Fei Qian Wu 肥前屋
Address:  No. 13-2, Lane 121, Section 1, Zhongshan North Road, Zhongshan District Taipei City, Taiwan 10491 | 台北市中山區中山北路1段121巷13號
GPS25°03'04.3"N 121°31'25.2"E | 25.051182, 121.523673
Nearest MRTZhongshan Station 中山站
Hours11:30am - 2:30pm | 5:30pm - 9:00pm

Fei Qian Wu Unagi Don shop is conveniently located just walking distance from Zhongshan MRT station. There is always a long queue at this nearly 50 year old shop as it is popular with locals and tourists alike, including many from Japan. Most customers wait at least 30 minutes for their food.

Fei Qian Wu is owned by Chef 町田 san from Japan and his Taiwanese wife 林秀英.

肥前屋 use live export grade eel raised in Taiwan known as Blue Diamond eels 蓝钻鳗. Each eel weighs about 250 grams. The live eels have a white belly and light bluish grey colour on top.

Making unagi don is quite tedious.

The cleaned, butterflied eels are grilled over electric grills first till they are cooked. This stage is called "white grilled" 白烧. The idea is to crisp the outside, sealing in the juices which contain the natural sweetness.

Step two is to steam the "white grilled" eel to tenderise and moisten it.

In the third step, the steamed eels are dunked in a 50 year old proprietary savoury sweet sauce. 肥前屋's unagi sauce accumulated the essence of countless thousands of eels dipped into it over 50 years. It is something not found in other unagi shops in Taiwan. Some Japanese tourists said it is even better than those in Japan.

In the fourth and final step, the eels dripping with sauce are caramelised on the outside over charcoal fire 火烤.

肥前屋's unagi are tender, delicate, juicy, savoury sweet with a toasty taste. Customers described the unagi meat as "melt in the mouth" 入口即化 and that it felt boneless. Customers appreciate the natural sweetness of the fresh eels. They also like it that 肥前屋's unagi sauce has depth of flavour without tasting too intense.

The sweet boiled white rice is drizzled with the same savoury sweet unagi sauce.

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